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Abusive Family Notice by armaina

I've made some statements on twitter but I'm going to write something more concise here - My good friend Xan, who flew out here a couple years ago to escape their abusive family, is still being stalked by those family members (and even some friends of the family).

Well over two years ago, Xan told them, flatly, "Do not contact me or my friends", for a while after this, there was some silence. Then I started getting texts again out of nowhere, asking if Xan would be over for the holidays or inviting us to events, just ignoring the message Xan sent to them. This does not help that when I was first contacted, I never explicitly gave them my phone number. I could understand this at the very first, since Xan was too utterly terrified to listen to the voice mails left on their phone after the flight, but my email is FAR more prominent than my phone number AND my preferred mode of contact AND available on nearly all of my profiles, and yet they use my PHONE to contact me?

To make matters worse, yesterday, they contacted my dad directly, by phone. I have never given them my dad's number, I still do not know how they even got it in the first place. The fact that they did, is not only appalling but frightening and an indication of how little they care about someone's well being and privacy. This is the only reason I have not spoken a word about this for over 2 years, to prevent other people from getting wrapped up and to prevent Xan from being tracked. I've been dealing with unsolicited texts & voice mails for 2 years now. Luckily, they have not been very frequent, but the fact that it keeps occurring and has escalated to trying to drag in my own family, has me utterly livid.

Xan does not want anything to do with their exfamily, the family is emotionally and physically abusive, on top of being dangerously bigoted. (and I do mean literally dangerous, threats of physical violence against POC & gender variant and sexuality variant people, on top of some other things that I cannot publicly mention.) I know why the contact has escalated, but Xan wants nothing to do with them, and it hasn't changed. I'm hoping their extended contact is isolated to just my dad and does not extend further, but if someone attempts to ask you about Xan, please do not respond. They will, unfortunately, be using Xan's dead name in the process.

As for now, my biggest concern is making sure Xan is safe, that's been my focus in the past and it continues to be my focus now. I will not allow an abusive family find and drag back the very person they kept trapped in a place of terror and anguish.

Abusive Family Notice


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    ...Augh. I don't know what the legality of this sort of thing is but I am pretty sure it's stalking. I recommend looking into getting some kind of restraining order or something.

    Seriously, what's wrong with these people?

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      They're abusive :D that's what's wrong. Also, a restraining order forces a person to announce their address, to their stalker

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        Yes, but let them come around

        The first violation of an Order of Protection is typically charged under NMSA §40-13-6(F)as a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to one year in jail.

        and it gets worse after that

        There is a statutory minimum mandatory jail time of 72 consecutive hours for a second violation.

        and However, a second or subsequent violation frequently results in charges of aggravated stalking, a 4th degree felony carrying up to 18 months in prison and a $5000 fine.

        Sure it would be traumatic for Xin .. But in the long run it might be whats needed to stop em and I'm sure after some of them land in jail they would wise up hopefully.

        But over all I hope everything works out for you guys

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          This implies that 1 the police believe without an extensive history (most of it has been erased or lost) and 2 even if we could get it set up (I think you underestimate how difficult it is, unless you've set one up yourself) that doesn't prevent them from sending third parties to Xan's location. Third parties have already contacted me personally, why would it stop there?

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            Its hard to get a restrainer order, I know cause of people telling me the shit they had to go through to get one. Keep all infomation incase you have to and it depends on the state, but in most states .. Restraining orders also prevent indirect communication such as sending a message through a third party.

            So they still can get in trouble even using a third party if thats included where you live.

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              So you should look into your local laws on restrainer orders

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            Since xan has ignored me after commenting to me, you can read this to them

            After rereading what I said I meant to say could be traumatic I tend to let my train of thought run sometimes, since it is true I don't know you or the people invold so I should have said could. Two its advice, advice is there to help, you don't always have to take the advice given to you or even pay the person mind. As to the legal advice ... Again its advice, not to sound like an ass or a broken record here, but its fucking advice. You don't have to follow it or even take it to heart. I'm just listing an option again AS advice that NO one has to take in cause something really goes fucktard in your life and you may have to take actions to do something.

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              And we are telling you, the advice you have provided is not helpful. In our situation and considering the people involved and their connections, it is downright harmful. Additionally at no point did you say "But if that's not something you can do, I understand" or anything to a similar effect. If you are going to give advice, the way you word it is the difference between shaming a person, or trying to understand them. For example, "Have you Tried" "If it's possible" vs "You have to" "You should"

              To highlight, when you said "Let them come around" you never said anything like "If you capable of handling it" or "If you feel you might be physically safe". You never said anything to indicate well being or understanding that, that suggestion is not always a safe one. It feels like an order, it also implies that anyone should just be able to tough it out and do that, even if that wasn't what you meant. I hope this puts into perspective why exactly your advice doesn't read like advice, but instead, an expectation.

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          Blithely giving unsolicited legal advice, with no knowledge of the situation's specifics, that could very easily get me crippled for life or worse (admitting full awareness of 'trauma', no less) and 'hoping everything works out' are not compatible actions. You are acting maliciously, if ignorantly. Cut it out.

          I'm sorry to be so curt about this, but what you're doing could get someone seriously hurt if they were to take your advice, at your liability. You have literally no idea who these people are or what they are capable of.

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        Well I didn't know that, bleh. That's unhelpful. Also why would they make the law that way @.@
        There's no way this is legal, regardless. Abuse aside, this is harassment. I am not a lawyer but I do think some kind of legal stuff might be worth looking into.
        I really hope you guys can get this resolved soon... x.x

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          yeah, most people don't unfortunately ): Like, it works if the person already knows where you live. But well haha it doesn't actually stop people from coming And if they do something before the cops show up Oh Well Too Bad.

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            I suppose the laws were put in place prior to telecommunications and never updated to reflect the new possibility of contacting someone without knowing where they are.

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    Call the police.

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      It's a lot more complicated than that, also a restraining order forces you to announce your address to your stalkers

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    I'm so sorry yall are dealing with this. I will keep an eye out for such things and let you know if anything happens. Hope this blows over soon. Stay safe yall. <3

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      yeah same. I'm hoping just stating it finally, and putting down the foot is enough for now.

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      Geeze where are my manners, I can't believe I forgot - Thank you for your concern, the support is helpful in and of itself.

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    wishing the best for you all, i hope you stay safe and your home stays safe and well.

    sorry for unsolicited info, but just in case: if you can call on a phone, national hotlines for crisis are discreet and can help with temporary stresses (regardless of any ideas of ""'fixing'"' anything) and are there to professionally talk people through stress.

    all i have to offer is the history of those who helped me and the resources i know of. close loved ones of mine have been volunteers and workers for local and international crisis lines and its a compulsion of mine to regurgitate the info in case it makes a difference.

    give hugs or the best equivalent for me; no life should be lived under constant stress and harassment.

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      Oh interesting, this is actually good to know thank you. (basically we've just been bugged by people that do the dismissive 'you have to do this' kinda victim-blamey tone some of previous comments we've had have been like)

      And thank you, the support is much appreciated, seriously.

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      thanks for the tip and understanding well wishes. There's a world of difference between 'here, just in case' and 'I know exactly what you need'.