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Level 31 Achieved!!! by Dusk

+++health issues
+++relationship ups and downs
+++life experience
--weight (Yes!)
Can now cast technique (Don't care) with higher success rating.

(on a side note? NOOO! I am not 31 omg!!! Holy friggen cow, I use to make fun of this club. Seriously though? Looking back at younger me? nah, do not want. will take older and wiser any day.)

Level 31 Achieved!!!


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    I got level 30 last month... go me

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      yes, go you o.O well done? XDDDD

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        heh I'm getting old X3

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          you don't say.

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            old farts

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              Maybe you are old, sir, but I am young. I don't look back at my ywenties and teens and wish them back because I know that I have grown in grace and tact since then. Grace and tact is important, don't you think? XD

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                No no its not Cause I already had grace and tact.. :D

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          Thanks for taking the time to wish me a happy birthday, most lovely of you. >.>

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            <.< Shush you or I'll spank ya

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              I spank back and I promise it's not in the nice way XDDDD

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      So, you responded to a birthday journal without even wishing a happy birthday to the writer, and instead responded with a me-centric reply? Tsk-tsk, my good sir. Actually, quite bad form indeed. And did you just... threaten to RP spank my boyfriend down there? Man, either you're an asshole or you're just that socially inept. How about I go onto your journal and write about only myself? "Oh nevermind about -blank- lookit me! I'm 32 andI have a handlebar moustache and have the look and build of a victorian strongman!" about having some actual manners and wish Dusk a Happy Birthday?

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        Thank you. I tried subtlety and anything further would have been increadibly rude of me, but you came to my aid and that was awesome. thankms. hug

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        I didn't threaten no one with rp spankings for one, its called a joke. Two if I did threaten him with rp spankings it would be something a long waves paddle at you I'm going to spank you if you don't shush. Three I tend to post related subjects to journals, that doesn't make me an asshole one for not wishing him a birthday. Now if you want me to be an asshole I can be, but I rather not get blocked and/or an admin called in here.

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          Sigh All that spew and still, no "Gee, happy Birthday!" See how easy that is? That's how normal people respond in a person's birthday journal. Even if you write happy Birthday as BS. Hell, you could have written your little, "Hay I'm 30 too, go me!" thing and wished a happy birthday. I don't understand why so many furs don't get manners. And as far ask joking, i get jokes, hun. Did you NOT detect sarcasm in my reply earlier? Sarcasm is intelligent humor. Also, Victorian-stache. I has it. So nyah.

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            You can't really detect sarcasm from words, voice yes, words not so much .. Its why most of the times my jokes go WAY OVER peoples heads adjusts glasses And me not saying happy b-day doesn't mean I don't have manners.

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              "You can't really detect sarcasm from words, voice yes, words not so much ." really? I can. he can. maybe you should speak for yourself? I actually found the way you came on here quite tacky, talking about yourself and not a single, "Hey congrats, you're alive another year" or "have a good time" or even th old stand by of "happy birthday." That was offensive and tacky and I was trying to be graceful and sarcastic to give you the op to save face. But that didn't work sadly. For your info, 9it's been a hard year, and hearing that people give two shits that I exist at all really means a lot, and I do not deal well with mannerless, tactless people who can only talk about themselves at times that are completely innapropriate for that. Dirrect enough for ya?

              "Its why most of the times my jokes go WAY OVER peoples heads" Oh hardly. I hear this from people that think to highly of themselves. most likely, you are this way to others, find it funny, and they don;'t. You think it's over their head, they just don't see being self centered and unkind as funny shrug

              "And me not saying happy b-day doesn't mean I don't have manners." Yeah, actually, that's pretty much the definition of not having manners. A b-day is something you acknowledge, unles you hate the person or just don't know them well enough, and in that case, you can always choose not to say anything. this was showing that you lack grace and tact. What is manners for 500? Grace and Tact. OH! That's RIGHT! and saddly, I DON'T win a prize because stooping down this low to explain this to someone makes NO ONE happy. Dow you can appologise to my boyfriend who was merely trying to defend mty honor, make this right by being a decent human being and correcting the problem now that you do know full and well how I feel, or you can just scram and I can block you. k? k. Your call.

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                I wish I thought highly of myself, Honestly? I hate myself and people say I need to stop doing so all the time. Two my jokes sometimes really do go over peoples heads cause I got very fucked up sense of humor and half the time people think I'm pissed off or depressed when I try to joke.

                You also can probly tell cause well lets see you know him! Gasp look at that one I don't know him nor you really .. Its why half the time I just post something related on a journal and scoot on. Yes it can see like I'm being an ass or mannerless as you put it, but its not being rude to me where you might see it as. Its just me being the social awkard one you know the guy that can really just up and go hey I like this or hope your doing well.. so he just tosses something related in there and see where it goes.

                I'm sorry that it got out of hand and it go into a mess of stupid shit, but again I was not being mannerless even though you two think I was. Trust me if I was, I'd tell you to go fuck youself and stick your head up your boyfriends ass.. NOW! that is being mannerless.

                I'm not saying sorry to your boyfriend, nor am I'm saying sorry for the person I am and the fact you just think I'm some useless tool that came to the journal to be a dick and shit on your b-day.

                sits a cake on your head I did however take the time to bake this to say I'm sorry for sticking a stick in your day, but then again you guys did kinda take out of the water so to speak.

                Now you can block me if you want, I don't really care at this point, but again just because someone does something like coming in and added something related doesn't make them a bad person... Try to look from their angle sometime.

                hands you candles for the cake and walks off

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                  LOL no sweety. You didn't bake anything. You typed it and you didn't set anything on my head. you typed that too, nor did you hand me candles. You would not behave this way in real life because if you did, 20 years of real martialo arts practice says that I could have you on the floor and appologising profusely for laying a hand on me and for your lack of tacked in less than five seconds. No, you are a man behind a computer just like me and jusging by how you act, I'm actually getting a few rather unflattering ideas about you; socially inept, basement dwelling, likely doesn't have social interaction or of "those furs" you know. the ones that use the fandome to hide in, appear only at cons, if even, and try to never go outside. It may be wrong, but it's the image you are selling me.

                  Now, you hate yourself? Good! That means you aren't alone! Infact, you are in a very big, very over crowded boat! Some of us have learned that through grace, tact, and kindness, we can co-exist on this big boat and even sometimes get off of it. Others flush those personal problems down the toilet in the morning and try not to let them come back to haunt them like a bad burrito later in the day, I.E. they act to others in a way that is respectable, not in a way that makes everyone have to be aware of their social phobias and damaging inner thoughts about themselves. Successful, functional people have these same issues and they deal with them and don't ruin other people's lives with them? So what's your excuse for being a tactless problem for the rest of the world be cause that really is your choice, mate.

                  As far as telling because I know him...oh....shakes head and smiles Stupid man.....He came here after reading the comment chain and seeing my reaction to things, both in text and in person as we live together. He was blunt but he tried to get you to se something. As far as not knowing me, refer to my last note where I say "if you really disslike or just don't know someone, it's perfectly fine not to say anything!" I think I paraphrased a little as I do not care to go retrieve the quote for you. You can read, I'm not here to help you with that.

                  yes, you were being mannerless. Just because you can say you weren't does not change the facts of what took place. You came on here and prattled on about yourself and never once did the decent, human things of simply wishing me well on my birthday. That is pretty damn mannerless. Infact it's rude and tackly and very bad form and you should be ashamed of your selfish, negative attitude and IF you do infact hate yourself, a good place to start changing that really would be how you treat other people.

                  Now, I don't need people like yourself around so yeah, you're getting blocked. Fuck you.

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    Sorry for the belated birthday wishes, but I hope you had a good one! <:)