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Art will be posted tomorrow by Malachyte

Once again I fell behind in posting art. If you commissioned me and are wondering why you don't see your piece in my gallery, it's just because I have a bit of a backlog ^^; I will be posting everything I have tomorrow though, and will hopefully start posting a little at a time on set days, from now on, so I don't get so behind.

Other than that... not much else to report, really. I'm still plugging away at Persona 4, and Super Castlevania IV, and Super Metroid, and Chrono Trigger. I need to stop being in the middle of several games at once :U I also got my new tablet pen, since the old one kicked the bucket last Friday when the eraser broke. I finally updated from iTunes 10 to iTunes 12, and now it won't work right, ha ha. So I gotta fix that for a bit (luckily Runefox is going to give me a hand).

And as a random question, I'd like to ask you all what your favourite socks are, whether you own them or just want them really bad. I personally love this set of black and white, knee-high argyle socks that I have. Perfect for cold weather, too.

Art will be posted tomorrow


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    Harvest Moon

    I want to say I have favourite socks, but really, my feet are too big for fancy socks. So I just go for comfy socks. So socks that are soft are best socks.

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      Comfy is definitely the number 1 prerequisite to favourite socks, I would think.

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    I want these p bad.

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      Those colors are gorgeous. They remind me of that drawing you made of Spix reading a book. They would look good in that picture, I bet.

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        I still really like that picture a loooooooot btw, but then again, I love earth tones--especially browns. I feel like it's a really underrated color, because it's seen as so "lackluster" for most people. Brown hair and eyes are the most common out of all of the natural colors. It's the color of dirt. It's not a color that really pops to gets people's attention. So on and so forth.

        Everyone should wear those socks. Everyone. Toe socks are amazing, and I'm really disappointed that they're not as common as they were like a dozen years ago. You used to be able to find at least one pair everywhere in the late 90s, early 2000s, but now you pretty much have to special order them online.

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          Yeah, I think toe socks fell under the umbrella of 'specialty 90's things' at some point. I can't remember if I liked wearing them or not, but I bet they would be pretty nice around now with this fucking cold weather. The CT coast is windy as heck, and it makes it really cold.

          I really love earth tones as well, and yeah, it's kind of a color people don't really go for as much. But there's a lot more versatility that it seems, since a warm brown is waaaaaaaay different than a grayer/pastel brown. I can't even hope to mix my brown Copics, but I can mix like, a yellow-green with an orange-yellow a lot more easily. But yes, that picture is lovely, and you are lovely for making it <3

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    I don't really have a fave pair of socks, all mine are the same style of black since it makes sorting them easier.

    ...I'd love some thigh-high striped ones though :3c