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Ink stains on my fingers. by Sparkyopteryx

Allow me to take a moment to make a retrospective of the past month as inspired by thoughts and ideas that Inktober helped to bring out for me. It's a combination of me being able to accomplish what seemed nigh impossible to do (I mean really, 31 fully realized pictures?!) and also looking at all of the wonderful art that was created from other artists.

I'm going to try triply hard to keep the outpouring of creativity and motivation that I experienced during Inktober, for one. Ideas beget ideas so I have a ton of ideas from all of that work, such as making more art that is marketable and desirable (like those T-shirt concepts for one). And also not being afraid of doing what I really want to do and silence the nagging, naysaying voices like "you're not skilled enough to do that" (I'm specifically referring to those pieces I did for Inktober that were illustrative scenes or more architecture or scenery-heavy). And not be afraid bring to light some of the darker inspiration for my art.

Most importantly, I hope you all enjoyed this flood of collective madness, as I think better than most times it gives a proper cross-section and glimpse into just what exactly inspires me to create and continue to create. Wild, whimsical, dark, sensual, mechanical, conceptual, horrifying, beautiful, ugly, strange and occult. And to those that joined in during it, welcome to my gallery and thank you very much for the watch, all of you! I hope that even though Inktober is done I can continue to create and inspire for you guys. I'm also closing up commissions for the month so I can catch up with some bigger projects and obligations, and I'll open them up again sometime near the end of November or the first of December, depending.

With all due respect,

Ink stains on my fingers.


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  • Link

    ... and it's been fun watching your all of your Inktober posts. Thank you.

  • Link

    It was a pleasure to take part!

  • Link

    I am glad for whoever started posting Inktober stuff here so I could find out about it. Like you I found it a great exorcise and I was a bit unsure I would be able to do all 31. I don't think I will try and keep doing a picture a day (hard to get the bigger projects done that way), but I will do again next October if not before.

    • Link

      Yeah I was pretty determined to get all 31, even though I didn't really think I could. Outside of something special like this I couldn't do polished art every day, that's just unrealistic and makes it hard for me to be productive with larger projects, but keeping the idea of doing art for art's sake stuck with me at least.

  • Link

    It was a blast to watch this from my very privileged perspective. I love your ink work, so a whole month of it was just like one big bowl of delicious candy. But getting to watch you work on them all and see how the whole thing played out for you, as well as experiencing it with you from my own perspectives, was something else.

    Feels good now that it's over, doesn't it?

    • Link

      Not to mention the nice pieces of free character art you got as well, eh? :P