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what the actual f*ck? by Derilect

Weasyl got attacked with a DDoS and it took them 20 minutes to resolve it. FA is going on four days.

What the shit, meng?!

what the actual f*ck?


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    might be that weasyl isnt as big as FA, ie less to recover

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      Actually, they got hit bad back in the holidays around the same time FA was dealing with a migration that kept failling for a while.

      Weasyl thus upgraded it's architecture accordingly. It being back up this quickly is actually the results of that past upgrade. The like of which FA is now only -finally- trying to get with their (newest, considering how many others there were in the past) fundraiser.

      So it's really a case of superior architecture. Weasyl's teams seems -much- more on point for deciding to and implementing upgrades to make their site work.

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      They didn't have to recover anything, though. The have to decongest the onslaught of traffic, no?

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        true, and ludo pretty much answered it too

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    Weasyl's been dealing with this DDoS just as long as FA has. It just hasn't caused them to go down until recently, and of course cloudflare helps; for whatever reason FA doesn't use cloudflare.

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      They're implementing it now, though, right? That's what their fundraiser is for?

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        Cloudflare's free, unless you're some kind of enormous corporation. I dunno what the fundraiser's for.