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Oh Hai Weasyl by Sidian

Keeping up with two galleries is hard, but as I'm sure just about everyone knows, FA is down! DDOS attacks for the lose.
But since I want to plug this SOMEWHERE before the end of the month, and a few folks do follow me over here... I have set up a Patreon, and here it is -

Will try to post a few of my newer pics over here too when I get the chance. Work work work.

Oh Hai Weasyl


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    I wish people would use weasyl more instead of only using it when FA inevitably goes down again. <.< As it stands, Hi.

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      Hehe, I agree. If people used it more in general, I'd use it more. I guess it's a catch 22? As it is, in my case it's mostly a matter of just not having the time to worry about two galleries. :/ I also have some dislikes with the site UI.

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        It's usually not the artist, it's the lazy watchers. we need them to be less lazy and get away from FA. <.<

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          Herding cats, my friend. XD
          FA is familiar and comfortable and change is scary. Tried to drum up commissions over here when I was more active and got only crickets chirping. Still, if they tweaked some of the things that irk me about this site, I'd probably use it more.

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          This. It's a real shame, weasyl has TOOLS to help people migrate as painlessly as possible.

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    I get the feeling that more people generally use FA simply because more people use FA. If this outage lasts more than a few days, maybe Weasyl and other more stable sites will pick up and stay more active? Or maybe that's just overly wishful thinking.

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      Yeah I dunno. It seems to be - FA goes down (or there's FA drama, such as in January), Weasyl picks up for a while... FA comes back. Weasyl continues for a while, then interest peters off and focus returns to FA. FA is sort of a staple of the fandom at this point. I have a hard time remembering what I DID to get business before FA, honestly. O.x

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        I've noticed the same thing. There are some artists that are exclusive over here (since the big drama) but... like you said, everyone is interested for a while but then everyone eventually moves back to FA. Which is a shame, really.

        I know it's hard keeping up with multiple galleries, but there are some cross-posting tools that might help out. And any activity here helps because when it's slow... it's really, really slow on Weasyl.

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          Well my frustration IS the cross-posting, honestly. When the big FA exodus happened, I spent a ridiculous amount of time going through all the Weasyl journals to weed out the ones who were moving exclusively to weasyl vs. the ones who said they'd start posting both places. I actually get pretty annoyed at having to clear out my submissions inbox one place, and then going to another and clearing out the exact same submissions. I should potentially just unwatch the duplicates but some folks post the same stuff both places, and then extra stuff on TOP of that... I dunno.
          As far as me posting both places, I know there are plugins for that. The trick comes in figuring out how to use them, as I am notoriously tech-stupid. :P And then there's the issue I have where I just feel silly posting the same thing to multiple galleries. -.-

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            That's the thing about Waxpost, you go to your submission on FA, a button will show up on the Address bar and all you do is click it and it'll take you over to weasyl and you just fill in a few minor details and press submit.

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              That doesn't solve my issue of being self-conscious/feeling weird about posting the exact same stuff to two different places. :x But what browser is it for? The one everyone was talking about before was for chrome and I use pretty much just Firefox on my PC.

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                I think it is chrome exclusive I had no idea if it's on firefox.

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            I feel your frustration. I follow a fair number of artists on both FA and Weasyl. Some are on those two and InkBunny as well. A very few are on all those plus sofurry. What's worse, as you pointed out, is that they post some art to some sites and other art to other sites. They post different file sizes and quality of the same image to the different sites. It can be a real chore to manage, but what I do is just save everything I want to keep to my HD and then use an image duplicate finder (I like VisiPics) to weed out the duplicates.

            Like you said, it's not just as easy as unwatching the duplicates because people post different art (and journals) to the different sites. And... it's good to see activity on furry sites, even if it's duplicate activity (IMHO).

            And don't feel silly posting to multiple galleries. I think it's silly to have multiple galleries and have them all be different. There are a number of different plug-ins to help automate the process of cross-posting. I think they are all browser plugins, so they are easy to use. Being more of a commissioner than an artist, I don't use them myself, but I can point you to a friend or two of mine who do if you like (at least I think they use a cross-posting tool).

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    I did have some issues with uploading files less they were png. Still, filters actually work on this site, well, so far.

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    Hello Sidian!

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      O hai ther

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        Slightly random question. When do you next open for commissions? I am looking forward to commissioning you again. I promise I won't kill your wrist too badly.

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          Gonna be a bit. I have a big backlog to finish up.

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    Well I remember when VCL and Furnation were reasonbly big sites.
    Well, if FA peters out, maybe Weasyl will become the big thing I'd guess.

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    Maintaining a gallery here is a good investment. It's kind of miraculous that FA functions at all. Consider the following message I saw on FA less than an hour ago, and ponder what it says about the quality of engineering under the hood:

    The "Nuke journals" feature can only remove 5000 notifications at a time.
    Press "Refresh" or F5 to remove the next 5000 notifications.
    Submission notifications remaining: 763

    Though I was baffled that this failure mode would even exist, I did as it said. I refreshed the page. Now the counter at the top says there are 74 unread journals, but the page is empty.

    I am sure they are equally careful with backups and security.