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Why Can't I Comment by Malachyte

I spend a lot of time writing comments and then deleting them lately. There are so many artists and cool people that I want to say "Hey, I like X about you/your stuff and here is why!" But after I start typing a few sentences, it sounds so lame, and I feel too embarrassed, so I just delete it. It feels like nothing I'm about to say really has a point, I guess? It's making me feel pretty meh that I can't express my excitement or gratitude for content creators in a satisfactory manner.

Sometimes I start to forget that I'm actually pretty socially inept, and then stuff like this happens and it kind of slaps me in the face that, oh yeah, I am still awkward. Silly me.

Why Can't I Comment


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  • Link

    Yeah, I do that a lot too.

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    I know the feeling. I'm the same way, but instead of saying what I love about something, I just end up giving a generic compliment lol. Been getting better about it, and I don't seem to have too much trouble commenting on journals and such, but I definitely know them feels.

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      Yeah, it's hard to write an original comment for something you really like, each and every time.

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    This is kind of something that's hard to get around to be honest.

    It's one thing to be a fan of someone's work, but when you're also peers it feels especially awkward because you feel like you have to start justifying it because of course you want to seem professional and nobody likes the groveling "everything you do is gold" type and you never want to come off as doing that because oh god are you rambling now rambling isn't cool now you look like a dork and everything is terrible and ugh now you just want to shut down everything and go to bed so people won't have to see your dorky face anymore.

    It takes a lot of effort, I know first-hand. Thing is, if you can force yourself to just ignore that freakout in your head and just click the comment button, you can open up some new opportunities, make new friends, new connections between artists and lots of other exciting stuff. I mean getting over (or more accurately, working through) those jitters was how I ended up commissioning you in the first place. It's not easy, far from it, but just work up the willpower to click the submit button and you'll find things aren't as bad as you thought they'd be.

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      I was kind of forcing myself to leave comments for a while, but lately it's just gotten harder? I'm not sure if it's because I don't get out as much, so I'm getting more timid, or what. I want to tell people exactly why their art is cool and how looking at a square area with a thing on it on my monitor managed to bring me feelings and that that is an amazing thing to be able to do, but holy hell how is it done???

      Maybe I will make it my it's-not-new-year's resolution to work on trying more.

      • Link

        Well, if your goal is to point out things that you like about someone's work, perhaps it would be a good idea to think about how you might critique them and go from there. You don't necessarily want to actually critique them, but if you cherry pick the things that stand out as good, you'll probably end up with what you're looking for.

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    You know what I'd do in your shoes? Keep in mind how you yourself reply to such comments. Some artists get so many comments that to reply to them would take a ridiculous amount of effort but most of em such as yourself appreciate even the lamest comments (at least from what I've seen) x3 Everyone loves a kind word.

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      Mm, that is true. I love getting comments a lot, even when they say things like "I don't know, I'm rambling. Your art is good." Because I know that they mean it, and that's awesome. I should probably not hold other artists to such a higher/mean standard and assume they're going to think I'm nuts, lol.

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    I also do this. I feel like I don't have anything to say other than "wow this is good you are good" and then I feel like kind of a vapid doofus. I'm a little better at commenting on stuff on Weasyl than I ever was on FA, for whatever reason, but I'm still pretty bad at it.

    • Link

      Yeah, same. There's this artist I found recently that is just really unique and amazing, and I don't know how to slather them with the proper amount of praise they deserve without grovelling or something. I am actually better at commenting on Weasyl as well, but that's because there isn't as much traffic here, so I feel like I'm doing my duty to help out, or something.

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    I am afraid of leaving a dumb comment so I'll favorite things and if I'm feeling brave I'll try and leave a comment