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Nipple silliness by Zannah

I've always thought the argument that female nipples = OMG PORN but male nipples are fine was a stupid double standard. I recently had a couple of pictures ratings bumped by a mod to 'explicit' from 13+ because they have visible female nipples. And you know what? I'm okay with that. It's their site, and their call, and I'm not going to pitch a fit about it. To that end, though, I've decided that from now on, any time I submit ANYTHING to Weasyl involving a visible nipple, whether male or female, I'm marking it 18+ whether it's sexual in context or not, just to be fair.

I try very hard to abide by the rules and standards of whatever community I'm part of when it comes to properly marking and tagging my art. This is less a protest and more a personal pet peeve, because from my point of view, a nipple's a nipple, whether it's attached to a man or a woman or a whatever. If you're going to apply that standard to one gender, why not the other as well?

Nipple silliness


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    That's not a bad idea, actually. Even when I was a little kid I thought it wasn't fair that boys don't have to wear shirts in the hot weather, or that girls can wear pants but boys can't wear skirts. I think I'll follow suit with marking male's nipples as explicit. It only seems fair, really.

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      Well, it covers all the bases. It's hard to object to a piece being given a more strict rating than a less strict one. I've never really liked the explanation that "boobs are sexual, but pecs aren't", when breasts drawn WITHOUT nipples are fine, but as soon as there's nipple, they're automatically porn.

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        Agreed. I remember a stand-up comedian making a joke about how we seem to have picked a random spot on the boob and went "Nuh uh, can't show that bit. The rest is okay though."

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    I agree its quite stupid, everyone has nipples!! At the most I would say 13+ but even there I somewhat disagree, maybe we should find every image of a cow possible and report it because udders are female nipples too! Omg!