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How I Spend My Holiday by Malachyte

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas/holiday of your choosing :3 Even to you grumps out there that don't care for the commercialism.

I am taking to heart the fact that I should draw more, and it seems my progress is decent, even with all the fun distractions I have in my house right now. I finished all the commissions currently in my queue, so get ready for some streams and more personal art in the days to come!

For winter break, I get a good 3 weeks off work (paid now, thanks to being salaried!), so my hobbies have bloomed in my spare time. I've been knitting and crocheting like a maniac, which means marathoning shows as well. Toby and I spent our first day of break watching How I Met Your Mother for 8 hours straight. It was fantastic~

We celebrated our christmas early, because neither of us saw the point in waiting any longer. I got several wonderful gifts, including a lovely new iPod to replace my ridiculously useless iPod shuffle. I can skip songs now, no matter what headphones I choose! There are buttons all over this thing *weeps for joy* One of my gifts to Toby is this awesome commission by :usernameaggrobadger:. I simply adore how it came out; our faces are so cute I can't stand it X3 Not to mention how accurate this style of baking is in our house, ha ha.

Speaking of which, I have been cooking lots, too. I made these Sherlock themed cookies yesterday. The dough is fabulous~ The cookies are pretty good, but lose some flavour after they bake. However, dunk those in some earl grey tea, and my god it's irresistible. Each cookie ended up with a little air pocket in the middle, and it's practically a chamber to hold tea. So goooooooood

Oh, a question for you guys. I have a decent amount of gift art and commissions now, and I'd like to share them. However, I worry about cluttering my gallery with someone else's art, as well as the possibility of them mistaking it for my own. Should I make a separate commission account? Would anyone even care? The world needs to know.

How I Spend My Holiday


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  • Link

    It sounds like you had a great holiday! A late Merry Christmas to you and Toby. u w u ♥

    Also, I know there is a way to "collect" art on here. I don' think it posts to your gallery, but it alerts your followers to the submission. I'm not sure of the whole specifics, but I've seen it happen a few times. /shrugs

    • Link

      Oh yeah, that's a feature on here isn't it. Guess I'll be learning how to use that then :3

      And a merry xmas to you and your husband as well!