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FA Is So Gross by SleepyMonster

Every now and then I think I might return to FA just because the user base there is so big and all that.

Then I remember I made a journal asking people to treat rape victims as if they believe them because it is not their job or business to question them, and all I got was a crap load of replies about how they needed evidence and that it wasn't real rape if they don't report it, yaddayadda. No matter how many times I restated that I just meant you should treat rape victims with respect and dignity I was told I was wrong.

I remember that, and I no longer want to go back.
What a disgusting place. Is that what the furry fandom has become, is it just humans in general, or is that nastiness mostly contained in places like FA were the mods are just as nasty?

Eck, whatever. Just some late night musing I guess.

FA Is So Gross


Journal Information



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    its mostly humans in general i think... it sucks though. but it also is FA as well

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    I think it's just humans in general. Probably the same people that think men can't get raped or molested. :T

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    Crappy society + crappy mods = crappy environment

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    It's humans in general, however, the overly permissive nature of the fandom and the refusal to police ourselves lets in the absolute trash, poisoning it for the rest of us. Though I enjoy the artwork, and have many wonderful friends who are part of the community, I will never identify as a furry, because what you've pointed out is just one of the reasons.

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    I don't think it's the fandom in particular- some of the kindest, sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting are furries (and most have had some kinks that were considered "odd" at best) but I think it's the general lack of education and the mindset of the populace that makes situations like this go from bad to horrid.

    "oh well he/she was wearing a short skirt, it was her/his own fault." "he/she was at a party and drinking? he/she should have known better" "honestly, if she/he was flirting what did he/she expect" "wow really? they're so ugly though!" are commonplace thoughts on the subject of rape and about rape victims. Things we grew up being told/taught/hearing and things that our parents taught us to believe. If you asked people on the street, you'd get about the same response in general as I'm assuming you had on your journal. Some outraged, others surprisingly blaming the victim.

    I don't believe those things and I personally think they're horrendous things to say. But it doesn't make be hate people for saying that. I feel bad for people who believe these things are actually true more than I abohor them, because it means that if they ever experience a situation in which they're the victim of rape- they'll believe it was their fault. That they were asking for it. Or that they must have done something to deserve it. And that's a thing to pity.

    I will never return to Furaffinity because of how the mods handled the situation. I disagree with how the site is run, and I refuse to support it. End of story. I feel that rumors at best should make a person wary, but experience is what you should base your decisions on. And my experience on that site made me uncomfortable at best. "I'm sorry to see you go" "How could you abandon your customers like this" and "yeah sure lol you'll be back" are all things people said to me when I announced I was leaving the site. A few even voiced disappointment in me for taking stock in the "rumors" about the "alleged rape-scandal" but it wasn't that that made me want to go. It was just how the staff on the site handled the situation, by quashing all attempts of discussion or outpourings of outrage. People weren't allowed to talk about it, even if they never named names. Even if they were just rumors (which at this point I have doubts), they inflamed the situation and made it worse. They policed people's personal opinions and disallowed discussion.

    And that to me is nothing but a great big fat wavy red flag.

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      I agree, I used to have a similar type of mindset for victims of suicide until I actually started to know depression victims and understood that people don't decide on a whim to kill themselves, it's much more than that. Rape victims are treated similarly, when we grow up we hear that girls who wear more revealing clothing are asking to be harassed. We see it in film, we hear it in music and rumors in school, and we think that way until we either experience it or know people that have.

      The mods at FA never impressed me, and this was the final nail in the coffin. Any professionals would have treated the situation 100% differently, and the fact that it was about a rapist that harassed multiple women in the fandom made it only worse.

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        Exactly. We hear uneducated opinions when we're young and don't know any better, then grow up believing those until either we experience it for ourselves or somehow learn otherwise.

        FA is a cesspit of people who want attention (good or bad), scammers, and drama regardless whether it's in actuality true or not. And that's not really (to me) something that should be supported.

        Plus I mean a couple friends of mine were being harassed by some creepy guy on there who kept making new accounts to get around their blocks. Icing on the Nopecake.

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    Well, when authority figures spit in the face of common decency and continuously get away with it - it invites others to join along. People already act like just because this is the internet, they can let loose 100%. FA only magnifies that idiotic and self absorbed thought.

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    And then there's the trolls that post disturbing pics or shots of their junk....blech

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    just because a few of the people on fa are that gross doesn't mean they all are.... -_-

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    It's honestly just the mindset and miseducation of the doubters in general. The thing is, most of the people on FA are generally polite (Heck most furries I've met are polite and occasionally a little odd) but, like in most fanbases, communities and groups, there are your "bad apples" that are just plain out rude, disrespectful and wouldn't know much about anything unless it bit them square in the hind end. It's those people that often deter others and make a community as a whole look like jerks and creeps.

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    FA has disgusted me for a long time, for a myriad of reasons. The extreme culture of sexual assault defense was pretty much just the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

    I think FA has the ability to sway the furry community, but because it's Princess Piche and a bunch of buttbuddies that pull the elitism shtick, they are pretty apathetic at best and venomous at worst with that sort of power and influence.

    So, unfortunately, what has occurred is a very toxic, trollish community full of members that get away with saying the worst humanity has to offer because the elitist top dog crew does nothing to moderate/control such heinous behavior running rampant.

    Then anyone that brings that up as an issue is generally chastised as being "too sensitive" and "go away you SJW."

    It's not being a SJW, it's asking for the most influential community in the fandom to have some decency and standards re: morals and ethics. That way, people being legitimately disgusting and amoral with their opinions start to learn that it isn't tolerated, even in their regarded safe haven.

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      This is what I really agree with. I don't really think humanity as a whole is this way, I just think FA is a toxic environment because the mods not only allow it, but encourage it.

      It does suck because back when I joined the furry fandom FA did not exisit and the biggest artist communities were Yerf, Furnation, and VCL. The Yerf community was kind and a great place to send beginners and parents because it highlighted what furries were really about without including the nastiness (though I disliked how the art gallery itself was elitist.) Furnation was just a series of hosted websites and a community forum, and VCL was just an art gallery. It was great when FA popped up because it gave us this real community, but the way it is run I'm just really ashamed that FA is pretty much what people will think of when they think of furries because that is the community website. It sucks.

      I will never ever understand why people hold onto things they are used to even when those things are bad. FA is a poorly run, poorly coded, never updated website and it's time to move on just like we all did from sheezyart, vcl, and elfwood when FA did pop up.

      Bleh, not that most furries give a damn.

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        I have pretty terrible personal experience with this, when I was a younger lass and posting some incredibly stupid and revealing things, I got flooded with responses of harassment, bullying, people posting and sending me death threats.

        What does FA do about this? Well, one of their forum administrators was one of the people responsible for posting me on LJ communities that encouraged this amoral harassment of a teenage girl.

        To be fair, later she was apologetic and incredibly influential towards me in a good way as a sort of, "I'm super sorry about being that assshole" but my point is that it should not have been an issue in the first place.

        That kind of crap can get FA sued out the ass by a pissed off parent, regardless of their defense to me that it was an "off website issue so we can't do anything about it." Let alone it being completely unethical and a disgusting standard to run a website forum by.

        The admins should have been held to a higher standard of not drama mongering like that in the first place, I should have been given a warning, my posts deleted to avoid further harassment and explosive drama that was completely unnecessary and toxic.

        The real reason they didn't do anything about it until everything had been going on for pages and pages, with several harassing messages in my inbox with some including threats of harming me in real life? It would have put the cap on their "hilarious" show.

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          I'm very sorry that happened to you. Luckily for me most of my silly childhood days happened on a locked Livejournal so I got to avoid that, plus like I said before FA wasn't even around.

          I hope people wake the heck up about that incredibly toxic place, but with all the shit they pull and yet people still cling to it like it's the very lifejuice of furrydom, at this point I kinda doubt it :/