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Guardians of the Galaxy by Deriaz

Go see this. It may be the best Marvel film to date.

I know, I know. "Deriaz, you said Amazing Spiderman 2 was perfection!" It is! It's fantastic! It's wonderful! It's... Amazing! (I'm sorry. (I'm not.)) But Guardians has three things going for it that eeks it out ahead of Spiderman for me this year.

  1. Spiderman 2 has a wonderful story with a great "everyday-superhero" that has a lot of small details that weave together and eventually lead into one great finale that leaves you wanting more, which is confirmed will happen. Guardians has 5. And even the supporting cast is a joy to watch. It's a wonderfully put-together movie.

  2. Guardians is a bit shorter than Amazing Spiderman 2. Some people complained that it dragged a bit in the middle. Guardians had very little drag that I could see.

  3. Seeing the credits, there were so many artists! So many! There was a giant BLOCK dedicated to just visual artists alone! (I believe that was the section; I hope I'm right!) Coupled with the last two points, it made me leave the theatre not only very happy about what I had just seen, but reconsidering some of the programs that have been collecting dust on my computer. Maybe 3D modelling deserves another shot...

Sorry for the recent silence again. Work piled up on me, and I've been working incredibly hard this week on those two jobs. This weekend is booked, and then it looks like at least half of my next week is, again, very busy. Hopefully I can get some new art out soon. I have a few ideas I want to get down on paper. Or digital paper. Photoshop? You know what I mean.

Thanks for reading.

Guardians of the Galaxy


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  • Link

    I really want to see this one! I hope I can find some time to go next weekend (when I have Saturday off of work)--glad to know someone liked it!!!

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      I hope you can find the time, too! It's definitely well worth the time. Super enjoyable, super fun movie. I hope next weekend allows for it!

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        I look forward to it! (Since I never got a chance to see other big movies this summer, like "Amazing Spider-Man 2" or "Transformers 4"......)

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    Oh god, I just came back from seeing it and.... Remember how Magneto said 'perfection' in X-Men: First Class? That's exactly how I'm saying it when I think of that movie. It was just so excellent and dear god, I connected to them so well that I can't even pick a favourite. I just can't. The Guardians are collectively my favourite.

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      I've never actually seen the X-Men stuff, other than that Wolverine Origins. (Deadpool... :(! ) But I think I may know the clip you're talking about, and I agree! I went in knowing I like Rocket, Groot, and Star Lord, and left with a much bigger appreciation for all of them. Pratt's work as Star Lord miiiight make him my favorite, though. Drax was also brilliant. But Groot... Ahh. I can't decide!

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        Oh god, Deadpool... He's so lovely. Hey, have you seen that test footage for a Deadpool movie? :D Hahahaha yeah... 'I discovered something inside myself... something very.... heroic.' And then Gamora's expression is very unimpressed.

        I LOVE DRAX INSULTING GAMORA, THEN SHOOTING NEBULA FOR INSULTING HER. *facepalm* They were all so wonderful. :D

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    I guess I have to see it, even if I don't usually care about Marvel stuff. I've already seen lots of art of the tree guy and raccoon guy. They don't look like typical Marvel superhero characters (at least what I expect).

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      It's much more... Relaxed? Of a Marvel movie, I'd say. Like, I felt like Avengers required me to know a bit of background on each character to really appreciate the film (haven't seen any Hulk, Capt, or Thor movies, and only Iron Man 1 and 2), so I felt a bit lost but still a fun ride. Guardians has those elements, but largely, they play a backseat role. Yeah, Thanos and the small references to previous films show up, but they aren't introduced in a way that makes previous knowledge feel relevant. It stands on its own as a hero movie, yet still ties itself subtly to the other Marvel movies for those that want that.

      I hope this ramble made sense. Typing on my phone is slow and I hope my thoughts got through clearly!

      • Link

        Sounds good. Maybe I will try seeing it next week, on weekends the ticket prices are insane here.

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    I've been wanting to see that movie for awhile now! I like Rocket so far (that /is/ the raccoon's name, right?).

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      Yup! Rocket Raccoon, your man/raccoon for the job when you need way too much firepower or a bomb built, and his muscle, Groot. I hope you can find the time!

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    I have /time/ to watch it, but I still live with my parents, sad for a 22-year-old, and I've never wanted to drive so I don't have a vehicle to take me anywhere (no driver's license, no ID). I /am/ getting a Yamaha YSR50 soon, though. Sorry, got carried away. I'll have to wait until my parents want to watch it but my father's in another state, soooooo yeah.

    (I'm on a 3DS so the reply button doesn't work. Works on FA but not here, I guess.)

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    It was a super good flick! My partner and I think it could have been a TINY bit better but overall we were pretty pleased.

    Also Vin Diesel is kind of wasted in this film, I mean his voicework was fine but he's the HOTTEST DUDE ON EARTH

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      He really was! I love his voice and I know what they were trying to get at with the character as a whole, but that vooooooice. Ahhhhhh! Use it! Please! CGI extra background character who has one line? I don't know! Use it! AHHHH.