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Back from camping, widely unharmed by LorienInksong

Okay I'm back from camping. Actually I got back yesterday; we had to leave early due to being somewhat literally flooded out! So in total three friends and I went to the north Cascades (near Mt. Baker) and were expecting showers to come in late Friday. We didn't get showers. On Saturday it started raining in earnest, and was coming down heavier and heavier. Cervidian94 kept insisting it would lighten up, and each time he said so it managed to rain harder. When one of the fire-pits we had access to flooded, along with the area near his tent, the lot of us decided to go home rather than attempt to multitask by swimming and camping at the same time. Fortunately we still had a great time, and I'll have lots of pictures to share with you all.

Unfortunately I also managed to get bit by a spider several times, and while only annoying my drawing hand is a little swollen so it means the art is going to have to wait a little. I wish I knew what lead my minions to betray me. D:

Back from camping, widely unharmed


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  • Link

    Are you sure those weren't overly zealous kisses from you minions?

    Glad you still managed to have fun ^_^

    • Link

      Could be, spiders don't really understand the meaning of 'gentle'. :B

      As am I!

  • Link

    Sorry to hear it rained on you guys, and you got a spider bite (How's your hand doing?).

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      It wasn't that bad, actually really funny in retrospect. My hand actually recovered first; it was just a skeeter bite.

      • Link

        That's good.
        I'm glad your hand recovered quickly. :)