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Copying Ziblie by chutkat

Because I'm a horrible person :B

Ask me anything~
Ever wondered where I come from? What are my origins? If I like flan?

You can find all the answers here D:

Copying Ziblie


Journal Information



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    do you like flan?

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      Yeah flan is awesome D:
      I once tried to do homemade flan but it came out flat~
      Deliciously flat

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    But, Imagine how is touch the sky?

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    Soup or Salad?

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      hmm.... Salad for sure
      Unless it was brocolli cream... >__> but not soup/...
      Wait, does tortilla soup counts?

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    Why do fools fall in love?

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      Cause they believe in rainbows

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    if a woodchuck could chuck wood..

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      Then Beavers wouldn't have a job D:

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    I could ask this anytime on skype xD but people might be interested to know that...How did you meet with art, what made you to work on arts??? <333

    Also do you do collaborations and trades? ^^

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      Well when I was super small, before kindergarden, I looooved unicorns, and my cousin would draw them for me all the time. And so one day she got tired of me asking her to draw me a unicorn and told me "Draw them yourself"
      And thus it began...... xD

      I do collaborations from time to time :D
      Sometimes I ask my commissioners to do trades (If I'm not so short of money....) XD

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        Our story is similar then xD For me dad drew my favorite matchboxes xD but later I had to do it by myself hehe

        Nice! I would do collab and trade with you in the future if you are up for it <3

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    When did you start drawing "seriously"? :P Also, any particular artists that are your inspiration?

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      I always wanted to have a job related to drawing, ever since I was little. But I began to draw for money in 2006... when I was able to get a paypal account xD
      Before that, I had no luck selling art at my hometown.

      Hmm inspiring artists.. so many, I'll make a list for you when I come back from my errands :D