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More on the Situation by DrawHolic

So, that summer job I started recently? So far it's pretty brutal. Unfortunately, it will impact my ability to churn out comic pages at the pace I managed up until recently.

Don't panic and kill your family just yet, my faithful followers. The current chapter of the Sprawl as completed some time ago. Up through page 66 is already queued up for your enjoyment and while it leaves a lot of unanswered questions (it is only the first chapter, after all) it's not a bad point to take a short break. And since I'm still only updating twice a week, that break won't come for several months yet.

And if it does come to that, I do have some concept sketches to make the break a bit more bearable.

Beyond that, I've also got a couple commissions which are long overdue. So I'll be trying to spend what little free time I do have getting this finished before I move on to the next chapter of "The Sprawl".

So, just how long will this comic be? The story will be comprised of three chapters, running somewhere around 200 pages. I'm hoping to have the whole thing finished by this time next year and, yes, I'd love to do a print version of the whole volume if possible and there's enough interest when we get there.

In addition, even that won't necessarily be the end of "The Sprawl". This will just be one story in a big world full of stories. I have several more ideas which could potentially keep "The Sprawl" going for years.

On the other hand, I also have completely unrelated stories bouncing around in my head and I'd like to spend time on those eventually, so whether or not I dive into another Sprawl story after the current is completely over and done with will depend on a number of factors. Just what those factors are I'll lay out at a later time, for now if you enjoy the comic and want to see it continue, share the love! Tell your friends and get them reading. Tell them to tell their friends. Let everyone know about this great new comic you've been reading. Get the word out there!

Anyways, that's my rambly, post-work journal update. I'll try and update again soon with news on upcoming art streams and other fun things.

  • Drawholic

More on the Situation


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  • Link

    The word shall be spread on my part at least
    Also good luck with that job, as well as keeping up, sounds rough
    But I can't wait to see more!

  • Link

    Damn it getta, I already iced them

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      Think of all the money you'll have saved when the holidays roll around.

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        think of me not going anywhere, I don't dive D: