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Update on things! + Wildstar guest pass? by BlueNire

Here I am! Alive and I'm honestly doing o.k.~!

I'm starting to think that there must be some crazy mold in my apartment or something because I've been sick for weeks!
(That or I've developed new allergies, which I've heard is totally possible-damn that would suck!)

I've been playing a lot of video games ( Wildstar mostly..oh hey, you guys want a guest pass?)...working extra shifts...

I feel like I haven't drawn anything (of value) in...well, a while and I feel a bit guilty since I know that a few of you have said you've really enjoyed my artwork in the past.

I can't even begin to promise that I'll ever make a comeback soon, either.

I wish I could accurately describe what's going on when I DO try to draw. I gather up my tablet and my pen, pull up my SAI program and....annnnd.............I do make some armature scribbles sometimes but...

It's sorta like being art-stipated?
Kinda...No, nevermind.
That would imply that I have this FEELING of needing to draw and "I just can't".
In all honesty, there isn't even a need to draw.
It's more like ...
You have this reservoir of creative juice within you that you're used to just having on tap.
Hell, when I was a young artist it was more like a dam, quiverly barely able to contain this mass of ideas, creatures and stories.
And It's always been there for you and it's always been available with little to no effort.
"Just let it flow!" comes to mind...
You go to tap it now and.... nothing. Not a drip. Just a mild scent or a breath of what it was.

You try to lap at the bottom, hoping to find some residue of what there was to live from, but all that comes out seems too saturated or just...makes you sick because all the ingredients have all decided to not go well together.

You sit there and you think you can just make more!
You gather all the ingredients together, but some things are missing in your "pantry" and the conditions aren't right.

Sometimes you try taking it with some sugar (get a new art program, or try a new art-form) but it's like that reservoir- this "keg of creativity" that you had, had always had a leak inside, and the rest of it just evaporated.

So that's where I am now.


I love you guys...I've met a lot of really incredibly wonderful, kind and BEAUTIFUL people here on FA. and Weasyl.

I really hope you guys are doing alright.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read this and let me know if you'd like a guest pass for Wildstar.
(Make sure your computer can run it, it's a BEAST!)

My love,

Update on things! + Wildstar guest pass?


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    We,, I know exactly what you mean! I was soooo productive, I couldn't stop drawing when I was younger. And now I sometimes dont even doodle for months. Its sad. BUT I found something htat helped me some time ago on tumblr.
    Imagine your pen has red ink in the tip and blue ink a bit further up. Red is the "bad, uninspired, just-not-right-feeling" art. Blue is the good stuff, the stuff you can feel, if you know what I mean?!
    And you just need to doodle around, draw the red ink "out" and the good stuff will come soon after :3
    Doesn't always work, but I do that as often as I can right now. I often get too discouraged, too demotivated by the bad art though. Well, maybe that helps a little?! hugs

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    My husband had the same feeling awhile ago. He seas what helped him was when we moved to a new home. So may be its not so much as gathering the same old ingredients as making a new batch of new creative juice. I don't know really tho not exactly and artist myself just work with warhammer 40k.

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    Yeeah I go through dry spells like this where it just feels like all the inspriation and drive has just pittered out of my body, some times to the point I question if it was ever there to begin with and if I ever really enjoyed creating art, so I def get where you're coming from. I hope it doesn't last for you though, because coming back to that inspiration and drive is seriously one of the greatest feelings.

    Also won't lie, I would love to try a guest pass for wildstar, I've been wanting to try it really bad but not ready to drop $60 on it just yet

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    I'm just trying to draw at least one snail once a day. Seems to be working. I also don't feel like I have to do it. I just got into a funk recently where it was like there wasn't /anything/ I felt I had the energy or inspiration to do and that kind of vacuum in my mind seems positively correlated with depression and I always got to be doing something so I don't fall into a pit of negativity.

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      I think the heat and the disorganized environment and physical discomfort and the anxiety of Anthrocon coming up is what is borking me up. If you don't even feel like you need to draw though then good! Play the heck out of Wildstar instead :3

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    One of the main things I do when I get into an art slump is just work on basics. Fill a sheet of paper (or a digital canvas, whichever works) with anatomy studies, or even just little doodles. Sure it may not be "creative" art, but hey, it's art right?

    Either way, I'm glad to hear you're feeling better!