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Cripes by Fairy

Heyyyyy everyone
I haven't felt much like drawing at all; Nothing inspires me anymore and no attempts at reviving my interest in old characters has really helped. It's really got me bummed that I don't have enough interest to concentrate on drawing for more than ~20 minutes; I haven't even haphazardly finished anything in ages.

Do you guys ever go through this? It's not really "art block," it's more like "I don't care about drawing and do not want to at all." Like, even if I'm art blocked I'll goof off and draw funny scribbly stuff in my big old newsprint pad that I use to warm up with. It's such a big fat sigh town for me rn kicks a billion rocks



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  • Link

    well there was once a time but it was becuase i lsot a bit of my friends and there wasn't much to draw for. All i can say is it comes and goes you can relax and enjoy the time to rest your hand or you can try to force it to make it work for you X//d either or works depending on the person.

    • Link

      Thanks! That's probably about what I'm dealing with right now - just bogged down by life haha. @_@ Hopefully it'll pass soon.

  • Link

    For me that usually happens when stuff in life is pretty crappy and I feel like I can't do much to fix it. Once I finally feel I have fixed the problem I'm usually better. :D

    • Link

      Yeah, that sounds just like me right now U__U Hopefully everything'll pass and I can spend a lotta time drawing again. It's been like a month+ now and I really miss doing personal work!

      • Link

        Things do get better. I know it's hard to believe.Just try to keep a chin up and hope.

  • Link

    i felt like that for a little while when life was just generally way too stressful for me to be able to sit down and churn smth out, so yea ;3; i hope itll pass wah..... ur art is gr8 and i always love seein it but your comfort comes first ;;3;;

    • Link

      Wahh thank you Hollu ;;;m;;; I"m sorry to hear it hasn't been 100% for you too... I hope we can both pull through soon!!

  • Link

    Im there right now. Cannot summon the desire, or energy to draw. Im not blocked, have plenty of ideas, but a death in the family, and a ton of financial worries has me unable to feel that drawing is important.

    • Link

      I'm so sorry to hear that man ;__; My condolensces to your family, I hope things turn out better for you really soon. All the best!!

      • Link

        Well I went to a con this past weekend, and that helped get me drawing again a little.

  • Link

    Blegh, that's an all to familiar feel. Hope it passes for you soon~

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      nods sagely Ahh thank you!