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So Jealous. by artimator

I'm so jealous of everyone else's styles wtf.
I think mine looks like crap.

Okay move along nothing to see here.

So Jealous.


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  • Link

    I think same about mine, every time I like " Why did you fav this crap ?! "

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    Pretty much me every time I look at someone's gallery that I admire.
    but there are times it genuinely encourages me to be better and try new things
    other times I want to curl up and be self conscious.

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      That too.
      70% of the time, I curl up and be self conscious. 8D
      Then I get problematic and shiz like--
      'omgthisissouselessmaybeIshouldstopart i dont have a future.' That sort of thing.

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    I feel most everyone has been where you are at some point or another, even I still feel that way a bit. I am starting to get to where I want to with my art, which is good. Just keep fighting the good fight man!

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      Thanks for the advice. ;~;

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        oh that was just a simple elegant way of saying your style is perfect and you should not worry because prolly you have BANGIN' ART. :')

        • Link

          Pft, Bangin? You mean Lamin'....Get it? Lame-in? ._.

  • Link

    I love your style so much!!
    But I do feel you..I always wish I could draw better and with someone else's style..
    I rarely like what I draw,even though I always put a lot of effort in it.
    I guess it's the curse of the artist. Everyone has been there and you probably won't ever be 100% happy with your artwork,but what is important is to never give up, trying new things and always try to improve :)

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      Peesh, I could say the same to you, WHAT THE HELL MAN?!?
      I love your style too! >:U

      And again someone makes a better point than me. 8D
      I just gave up, but now that you mention it, I change my mind, fweeeeeee.
      Thanks man. virtually hugs you

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        Gneee D: thankies ;A;
        I guess we are just being dumb.

        Yaaaay! Never give up!NEVER! This rule applies for life in general, not only art :)
        No problem at all~
        virtually hugs back

  • Link

    Really, art is a beast and

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      And my phone sucks. Art is always going to want more out of you unless you keep it in check. Even some of my favorite artists are unhappy with their work. You're not going to get to some certain skill level and wake up one morning and go hey I like my art now. It's a mindset you have to learn or you'll always be unsatisfied. Just enjoy drawing and enjoy learning and enjoy the progress you make. You'll get where you want to be.

      Also I really Like your art so there.

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        I lol'ed at the first---

        Hmmm, I'll try my best. :]
        Heh, thanks, I like yours lots better too so there. 8]

  • Link

    I hear you :p
    Can' stand my own style what-so-ever. My knowledge on anatomy, expressions, choice in color- it all sucks.
    Maybe it's just me but I constantly find myself comparing my art to others and blah.
    I can't recall a time when I actually liked a piece of mine; I can imagine it's that way with many artist though...

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      What about the pros? I think they feel pretty good about their art already, with almost everyone admiring their work. :T
      Sigh, good to have someone who can relate with me. qwq