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Fans of evilness by Marwan

Villains in fiction aren't supposed to be loved. In fact, there's a reason why writers like to make them as wicked as possible: to make the audience hate them and cheer in rejoice when the heroes defeat them. That said, that still doesn't stop them from still gaining fans.

Yes, fans. On TV Tropes, such a phenomenon is called Draco in Leather Pants, after the fangirl treatment of Draco Malfoy, who is supposed to be a despised villain.

I used to be a little miffed by the fact that people actually like villains, who are supposed to be hated and despised at. Man, I was so young and naïve on that time. As I grew older and started taking a liking for more violent movies and games -- I mean, in games like TF2, everyone is evil -- I finally get it why evil characters garner just as much fans as the good guys do.

I mean, let's face it: Evil is awesome. Evil is badass. The bad guys often look cooler than the heroes, and they get the most awesome gadgets of evil ever. Female villains tend to be very sexy, and, boy, they sure know how to seduce the boys. Not even butt-ugly villains are exempt: there are also fans of those Xenomorphs from the Alien series, those orcs and trolls from Lord of the Rings, etc. You get the idea. Some video games even allow you to play as the villain.

That said, I regretted doing that hatefic against Randall from Monsters Inc. movie, which I did around 10 years ago. I wrote that fic after being shocked to see that the majority of Monsters Inc. fanfic entries in all focus on Randall as a sympathetic character. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that fic; I'm sorry if I've offended many Randall fans out there. I watched Monsters University and I see that Randall was originally a nerdy bespectacled happy-go-lucky monster, the kind of character you just wanna give hugs to.

Fans of evilness


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    Well to be honest, there's also the kind of villain that there's no reason to hate even in canon :x They're on the opposite side of the hero party, but that hardly means they're evil at all. Shadow the Hedgehog, anyone? XD I could cite more examples, but Shadow himself is more than enough.
    ...And then there's the evil characters that despise being cold-blooded murderers, gloating tyrants, everything that you hate in a living being, you just can't help but be a fan of because of that one quirk they got. If you ever played Tales of Destiny 2 or Vesperia, you know exactly who I'm talking about XDD