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intro journal by Owl

I dunno why, but I feel the need to do for this new watchers.

Hi, the name is Damion, a dumb 20 year old. I currently attend college for animation/computer art, but I hope to get into concept art or illustration. If I'm lucky, I may be mainly focusing on my upcoming comic, Averon. Anyways, despite being genderfuild, I prefer they/them pronouns. I'm super shy sometimes and tend to avoid people if I'm uncomfortable with them. However, I do become more open after I get to know you. I REALLY like birds, especially owls especially bird aliens. I like other animals tho. Birds are the best tho.

Okay give me an intro about you guys.

intro journal


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    I'm a 90's moron born in the early 80's, and was "born into the game industry", meaning that before I was even born my parents ad sisters were gaming heavily on a multitude of platforms, the one I enjoyed from birth being the Commodore 64 computer, with over 100 of its games, to say nothing of the 700+ more that we never knew existed back then.

    Vocational high school graduate, but never attended/pursued college. Always grew up with my dad's various PCs starting from back in the Windows v3.0 to v3.11 and MS-DOS era, along with several of the most popular gaming consoles (sans the SNES! ;_; ).

    Really just a reclusive textual aficionado who always had his head in less popular, very old fantasy books and novels, most of the cartoons of the 80's, 90's, and the 2000's leading up to now, movies, plays, demonstrations. And computer nerd who grew up playing far too many MS-DOS games, Sega Genesis games ("Genesis DOES!" xD), and several of the more so leading games of a little over a decade ago up to now.

    A silly person far too deeply saturated in the various venues of the world of art...

    ...but hardly "The Most Interesting Man in the World".

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    I'm a smart ass 80s kid born in the mid-70s. I was born into the technology industry, always being curious about computers and other technical devices and how they worked. When I turned 16, other kids got a car, I got a computer.

    After I finished business school, I got a web development job working for a local ISP and moved upward from there. Nowadays I have a DevOps-type role in the anti-spam department for a large email provider which you have very likely heard of.

    Somewhere in there, I found furry. My first convention was Anthrocon '99, and things escalated quickly after that. I began working cons, and now I'm staff at Anthrocon and a few other cons.

    Hope that's a good enough intro. :-)