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A special kind of commission by Happysorry

I'll be offering it once i finish all my other things but this is what the idea will be

Its called the gift bag drawing, This is a special commission one could buy and it'll be made not for yourself. But for your friends, the max of 5 friends. These friends will get random paintings of their character. It'll be surprise you and your friends will enjoy.

Now i'm still playing with the idea and trying to see how much time will it take. Cause I want to make it cheap, but not to a point where i'm selling myself short.

this is a rough idea though and may or may not come in play X//d. Other then that

I'm going to be breaking the lease or abandoning my apartment to live with my parents. it'll be much safer for me until i can manage a place myself thats safe.

A special kind of commission


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  • Link

    This is really neat and sounds really fun, I may want to join in. c: I have a few friends that really deserve work.

    • Link

      thank you for being interested .//w.

  • Link

    that's such a cute idea, i'd definitely be wanting in on it!

    • Link

      wonderful o//wo i'll try to flesh this idea out a little more then!

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    I hope you'll be able to find a safe place to live sometime! hugs

    • Link

      me too! thank you so much for the help!

      • Link

        No problem!!!

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    I'd recommend maybe speaking with your landlord or the person in charge of tenants, if you explain the situation, you might get a refund of your deposit (keeping in mind that it's all about condition before and after you moved in) and a release from the lease, especially if you bring it to their attention that it is a matter of not feeling safe within an tenancy that said person is providing. I'm not saying it'll be one of those situations where you're guaranteed, but if you can give a clear citation of why you're feeling safe (doubt that'll be difficult since those fellows made a big enough fuss that everyone in the complex oughtta know, and security can stand at your back on that info.) you shouldn't have to fight with your landlord about paying for the rest of the time spent on your lease, or having to pay whatever fee there might be for breaking your lease.

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      ahaha my cat owl clawed up the carpet a little so the deposit might be gone but Hopefully i think the release form the lease might be the best! my dads great at negotiating so i think this is very plausible thank you! .//w. i'll keep that all in mind.

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      will they need a filed police report to help their case?

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        it really depends on how much of a stickler/tightass Happy's landlord is. In many cases, since I remember a mention of the Landlord being alerted to what had happened, that might not be necessary, BUT, if the Landlord is a stickler for paperwork and having everything filed, ecetera ecetera, it might be required for the sake of paperwork, or if the Landlord is one of those guys who insist on never cancelling leases, it might be required to sort of ham-hand your way out. I'm thinking it's not though, because most decent human beings wouldn't do something like that to someone, forcing them to stay in a place that they do not feel safe, I mean. I'd say that it might be a good idea to have on hand, just in case, but if the landlord doesn't need it, don't be upset or surprised about it. I may not have a whole lot of faith in human kind due to personal issues, but I do know that while there are dicks out there, most dicks aren't so bad as to make someone stay in an apartment where they are unsafe, or threaten legal action if that person does not...Especially if they were alerted to the altercation AND the security they hired at the tenancy that the person is living in was involved and knows of the situation well enough. Either way, Happy? Bring the report with you when going to see the landlord, just in case, but don't really pull it out unless it's either asked for, or necessary, because it might not be in either situation.

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          There are laws that protect tenants from landlords and one of which is for situations like this. U can actually report landlords. I wish I knew the law title and website to file reports on landlords. But if its an experienced landlord that knows the law, they will be accommodating. Its those new landlords that rent out one property that u gotta watch out for cos they not that experienced with the laws

          • Link

            yeah, that's not something I'm surprised about. I do know that there are laws out there that you'd think wouldn't be necessary due to just common sense..but I'm kinda glad there is a law there. Anyways, Happysorry, there ya go, info on how to approach this situation without getting anyone's undies in a tizzy and without having to stay in a household you feel uncomfortable with, or keep paying for it after you move out.

            • Link

              yeah, speaking of there having to be laws in place, being in the military its not uncommon to have to break a lease before its officially up. Can you imagine how it was like BEFORE there was an actual law in place so landlords couldn't punish military members for breaking a lease because of government orders? common sense doesn't exist if money is involved.

  • Link

    This is a great idea!

  • Link

    Hnnngh it sounds so adorable ;w;!