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Update and things by Happysorry

thanks to those who listened to my whole even yesterday, Today i got another scare but since
i had called my sister over to hang out with me the cops took care of it.

I'm going to hang out with my parents for Easter.

the whole thing still got me a little shaken up.

on side now I was watching quierd on youtube and her latest little video got me thinking.

She's right on a spot with something and that its not a popularity contest. Heck here on fa and any other website people glorify comments, they glorify watches, page views. They wonder why they aren't getting the attention they think they deserve.

you shouldn't worry about that man, they'll come to you naturally as long as you keep putting out work and doing the best you can. You gotta work on yourself, you gotta improve. Thinking someone got popular because of this or that, ain't going to help you and if you try to copy that. People will see it. They aren't dumb.

Heck i'm not even popular. You guys might think I am but my art is very subpar to people I truly admire. I'm going to work harder and you'll see me trying to do better as time goes on. My gallery is proof of that.

Once you learn that; things will get a little easier for you.

Update and things


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    Im glad you are ok and I love Hart, she is a great inspiration! One day I hope to meet her.

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      ahh she's cool! i dunno if i'll ever meet her but if i did i'd tell her a good old thanks

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        I happen to live in teh same state as her and only 2 hours away from LA so its a big possibility @v@

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    i hope that with easter you'll start to feel better :C

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    I'm glad you'll be somewhere "safer" for a bit!

    I used to, people only watch me to get free art, because once I stopped doing freebies, nobody +Faved or commented on my art anymore. But...I guess I found I like talking with people more than posting my views about the sites have changed.

    Now if we can only get rid of trolls who feel they gotta be jerks...the internet would be perfect! chuckle

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      for sure, the whole world would be perfect u///u

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        Indeed. nods

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    I'm really glad things got sorted out, and that you're in a safe place for now. Have a great Easter!

    Thanks, I needed that. Recently I've felt a little down by the silence whenever I post something to tumblr or whatever, only getting a note or two. I know popularity isn't everything, but I suppose sometimes it still makes me feel anxious that I'm just not good enough no matter what I do. I know I still need to keep working at it, though.

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      beleive me I was very much the same way when i was younger. Its hard, but as i got older and jsut kept doing what i liked it, did its work for me.

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    glad to know you're safe
    also, for me your art is wonderful so I don't know why you're not popular...
    I seriously don't care about watchers I just want to draw and see other people drawings, just enjoy my time

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      thats very admirable <3 and thank you X//d I can udnerstand, i've only been posting art for a year or so on the community, so i'm just a youngen in these parts.

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        just a year?
        Then that's it! You're an amazing artist so it's just a matter of time. Now thats makes sense because I wasn't able to understand why you're not "famous" with that art of yours (I want more people to know u)

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    Oop, I should've checked journals before replying to the last comment. I'm sure being away for a bit will help cleanse you from those events! ; w;