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BLFC Meme, Do's and Don'ts by farorenightclaw

And again, the big fat meme that grew out of a journal i unthinkingly titled 'the Official' Anthrocon Journal. Woops! This one's for Biggest Little Furry Con 2014!


What is your gender? Masculine agender. My pronouns are IT, ITS, ITS, but 'he', 'they', or anything other than 'she' is fine.
What do you look like? Somewhat overweight, green hair, blue or red glasses, nervous.
How old are you? 27
How tall are you? slightly less than 5'4"
How would you describe yourself? Anxious, occasionally loud and obnoxious to compensate for this, mostly quiet and awkward. Face usually buried in sketchbook or other drawing materials. Friendly but easily spooked. Attached at the hip to greeneyedmonster.
Are you taken? Yes, I am life partners with greeneyedmonster (who will all be there with me) and hailbop (who can't make it, sadly), and have some other found family besides, all of whom are awesome.
Are you nice? I try to be! I clam up sometimes but it's my own issue, not anything you're doing (if it is, I'll tell you). I'm twitchy and kinda dorky.
Are you cliquey? Sort of because of anxiety, I'll always have a loved one in tow in case of panic attacks and other nasties. They are nice people though and the presence of a caretaker doesn't mean I won't be friendly to you also!
You like shinies? Does anyone NOT like shinies?


Can I talk about/do drugs in front of you? Please don't participate in illegal activity near me. I like smoke breaks, if that counts, and can be persuaded to go out and brave the outside world for some delicious cloves or ecig.
Can I invite you out for food/fun/etc? You may, but don't be offended if I can't make it.
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc? If you're invited! And you can always ASK to be invited. Just don't be offended if the answer is no - BLFC is the only place I see some of my friends and i might be going off for alone time with them.
Can I talk to you? Yes! I don't hear well though, and can't easily follow topics that don't make sense to me, so if I look baffled or don't react you might want to check in before continuing to talk xD
Can I give you stuff? Sure! I'll usually try to give you something back if i can, even if it's just a quick sketch. I like stuffed kitties (mostly tigers) and crocodiles, candy, and artwork :D
Can I hug you? If you are a person I like to hug, you will already know. If you aren't sure, a handshake is better :> Please don't ever touch me without warning, however, I am extremely easily started.
Can I hug your friends? If you don't mind the possibility of not getting your arms back afterward. You might want to ask them first.
Can I cuddle with you? Please don't. Unless I say, 'please cuddle me!' or something of the sort. Even if we are normally very touchy I tend to get quite jumpy at cons and I don't want any hurt feelings :C
Can I flirt with you? I'd rather you not.
Can I stalk you? No. Stalking is illegal.
Are there any words I shouldn't use around you? I'd greatly appreciate it if you avoided rape jokes. It's probably a good idea around everybody, actually, unless you KNOW it's okay, since a lot more people have sexual assault in their pasts than most people realize or would ever want to think about, and I don't think ANYBODY ever sets out intending to trigger flashbacks, yeah? So better to just avoid it.
Can I buy you drinks? I like caffeinated drinks in general space and bloody marys when I'm at the bar. I also like water, because i never stay hydrated enough at cons, argh.
Can I ask you to dance? I like dancing!
Attending parties? Possibly one or two. I'm never the one doing the inviting though, so I'm not the one to talk to x)
Can I buy you food sometime? Sure! I don't eat seafood (OTHER THAN SUSHI OMG), most other stuff is nomalicious.
Can I make plans with you? If I'm free! And if you actually follow through on them.
Can I visit you in your room? Probably not.
Can I take a picture of you? Only when I'm wearing my fursuit or gasmask.
If I see you, how should I get your attention? If you're having a hard time getting my attention, get one of my companions' attention in the usual way and they'll prod me back to reality for you.
How can I find you? I will be all over the place, but will try to spend some time in the main con space and hang out and whatnot!


Do you do free art/free anything? I will in fact probably be doing some free art at BLFC! Sketches, to be precise. However, please don't ask for free art unless I'm actually sat down with a FREE SKETCHES sign in front of me.
Will you have art in the Art Show? Nope.
Will you be in the Alley? Nooope.
Can I look through your art? I'll only have a sketchbook with me, so please ask before rifling through it.
Do you have originals for sale? Nope.
Can I draw in your sketchbook? Please ask first.
Are there limits to what you will draw? I won't be doing anything other than sketches, no colored or inked art. Other than that, I will draw pretty much anything, though certain topics are a no-no when i'm sitting in public space. Feel free to ask, however!


Where are you staying? In the con hotel; I don't use my room for much other than sleep so you don't really need to know more than that x)
Who will you be rooming with? greeneyedmonster, inaki & visky.
Who will you be hanging out with? Mostly the people i'm rooming with, though I hope to be pestering some other folks besides!
Major plans at the con: Hang out, have fun, draw, and smother my loved ones with, er, love!
Fursuit(s): Charcoal the caiman, as well as my jackal gasmask. I'll also be handling for greeneyedmonster, probably in Second the glitterpanda!

The do's and don'ts!

Do come say hello! I try my best to be approachable, but I draw with my nose about 1/2" from the paper, especially if I've forgotten my glasses, or I might be wearing a mask, so please don't let that put you off! I like meeting everyone :3

Do bring me treats if you want to! I can be coerced to do a little monkey dance (or a silly doodle, or a 20 minute 'thank you' speech) for such bountiful gifts as: Canadian coca cola, soda of most any kind, caffeinated candy, gift art, and food.

Do respect my personal space! I know it's a con and it's loud and crowded and you might have to lean closer than normal for me to hear you, especially as I don't hear too good anyway, but please behave appropriately to the amount of time I have known you - strangers do not get to touch without permission!!

Do understand that I have a TERRIBLE memory! Generally I keep track of you lot via icons, so I might not recognize you by your name alone ;_; and I can't put names to faces worth a damn. I'm sorry, I can't help it, and it's not ever intended to hurt feelings, it's just the way I am.

Do speak up! I can't hear you, I'm old and deaf dammit! However...

Please don't yell ;_; I have a phobia of loud noises, please do not be offensively loud around me or you will have a very jumpy and irritable Kit on your hands.

Please don't touch me without asking. I am not a huggy person, I prefer handshakes. No scritches, no tickles, no random back massages, AND FOR CHRISSAKES NO GROPING. NOT EVEN IF YOU'RE WEARING A FURSUIT. I will report you to con security if you cross the line; I'm fiercely protective of my bodily autonomy and personal space.

Please don't set your food or drinks down near or on the art. Think about how bad you would feel if a passerby knocked your soda with their elbow and it went all over my sketchbook. Or me. I tend to do this to myself at least once a con. I don't need help making a mess ;_;

Please don't sneak up on me. You will get punched. I startle easy and my first instinct is defense. Or crying. Either way, it's not a good idea. Just saying 'hey, I'm here' before interacting with me, if I'm not facing you, is simple enough :3

Please don't be a stranger. I want to meet everybody!!!!!

Overall: I gots hella issues. However, you can avoid aggravating them by just being a decent person and by not behaving any differently than you would at your job or on the street; just because it's a furry con doesn't mean the rules of social interaction suddenly disappeared ;;

Oh, and obligatory: DON'T BE A WIENER 8D

Let me know if you're going!

BLFC Meme, Do's and Don'ts


Journal Information



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    I won't be in formal attendance per se, but since I literally live a less than 10 minute drive from the GSR and may be meeting friends there, it's possible I might see you at one point, if I'm not in a reserved mood or otherwise distracted (entertaining friends does that to me sometimes). I'm not a touchy-feely person either and I'm a tad on the shy side though, but if I happen to see you I'll try to at least say hi! Either way, hope you have fun at the con!

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    We miss you up here in Canuckistan. :/

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    What does cliquey mean? O_o

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      Insular social group - clique - behaving in a fashion that shuts out new people.

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        Curious word, but thank you for explaining!

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    Man I won't be going, but this is probably the best con meme I've ever seen. I might have to yoink it for AC come time :D

    Also....this is a long shot but where you by any chance at FurFright 2012?

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      I was not. I have never been to FurFright. Haha, all of this meme - most of the 'con memes' you see - actually grew out of a journal I posted on FA years ago and titled 'the official anthrocon journal'. A bunch of people borrowed it from there, and others borrowed it from them, and people added stuff, and now it's a big monster, haha.

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        Ah okay. There was someone in line next to me for that con that acted exactly like you described so I wondered xD oh well.

        Ahah that makes sense. Well, it was a great idea! Are you doing AC this year?

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          Unfortunately no. I'll be at MFF though!

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            Aww dang I won't be at that one :c I used to only do FAU since it was so close but given everything that happened....well, AC is the only other one even remotely close. Oh well.

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              Awh. If you ever decided to do a farther-away con, MFF is definitely one to try! It's a fantastic con!

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                Someday I'd really like to! I just can't afford the travel expenses for now. But hopefully I'll get to move in the next few years and it won't be a big deal anymore c:

                Y'know, I'm really surprised there's not a big con in NYC. There's like...a con for everything in NYC XD

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                  Probably because furcons tend to be pretty low-budget, at least the first few years, and NYC is expensive as hell to do anything like that in.

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    And here I always thought of you as 'she'.... Guess I won't be doing that anymore. :P