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Unfriended for Pointing out a Crime by sixrabbits


Because what was more important was that I was being negative about something that was Christian by pointing out that physically attacking someone is not alright.

The exact post was about a marine who goes to class, the professor says "god, if you're there knock me off this podium" ect... the Marine gets up and punches the professor to knock him off the podium and says "god's too busy protecting the troops who defend your right to say stupid shit"
For real? That's assault, which is illegal. Saying something other people don't agree with is not justification for it. It's not okay no matter what your beliefs are.

I pointed out that being a violent asshole isn't really funny or helping anyone's point.

The response I got:

Are you going to comment negatively on every post that I post that includes the mention of God or about Christianity?

Only when it glorifies assault.
Physically attacking someone for having a different opinion is downright deplorable.
That kind of behavior is the act of a caveman.

Um how was that post about someone attacking someone else for having a different opinion?

The man gets up a punches the professor. That is assault, and if the story is true I hope he was arrested for it.

Also, the first post you got angry about was one that I posted about a child being told that he couldn't bring his bible to school
Ok now your not making sense out you're not actually understanding my question

Just because I wasn't all sunshine and butterflies doesn't mean I was angry. The fact that people only care when something bad happens to a christian is what's wrong.
Yes I did. You asked about how that story had anything to do with assault, I pointed out the crime in the story. He got up and punched the professor because he doesn't agree with his beliefs. Instead of speaking out, he chose violence.

Ok, I can see where this is going to go. Thank you for not answering my question, but in the way you did answer. I'm sorry that this is how you feel. Good bye

Well if you're not going to take the time to read and comprehend then I guess I can't answer your questions.
Sorry that pointing these things out doesn't agree with you, but someone has to point out where problems are.
Otherwise no one would be accountable.

Um you can stop now

very well then.

I've already removed you as a friend

That's fine

So yeah. Don't know how that isn't answering their question. Plenty of my friends post stuff about religion, same with this person. I only pointed out in the first one they mentioned how it was so ridiculous that Christians would suddenly be up in a tizzy because they got treated the way other religions get treated (and then they made some Islamaphobic remarks too and I didn't even point that out). The second one pretty much applauds assaulting a man because you don't like what he thinks. Yes, I "commented negatively" about shit that needed to be called out.

Unfriended for Pointing out a Crime


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    Jeez people just… Ugh. I have relatives that are psychotically obsessed about Christianity, and while I'm okay that they're Christian, they shove and rub it everywhere they go. I know what you mean. I hate it when people do stuff like this.

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      I feel like people who shove their religion in everyone's face and make everything about their god/s (or lack thereof) are just really insecure about their own faith/beliefs. I don't consider what the professor did in the story to be okay, it's kind of a dick thing to do, but physical violence doesn't make someone right it just makes them a caveman.

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    Religion, oh boy...("Manifest Destiny biotches!") There are a lot people out there, besides religious people, who think they are self-entitled to do whatever they want and be bigots. Common sense flies right above some people, seriously... I honestly cannot look at their responses because it was too sad to think about how much a person can ignore something right in their face and blew it off probably lol. Glad you dealt with it. Not worth to put up with that.

    I mean, if a religion betters a person and helps them in their own way. Have at it. Good! This is all fine unless they shove their beliefs down people's throats and get pissy if people do not believe in it as well, lol.

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      I feel like they weren't actually reading my replies and just auto responding. Also, I feel like if you think someone doesn't understand your question you should rephrase it.. because if they are not understanding it then it needs to be explained. Because I am pretty sure I answered the question.
      The only thing that really bothers me about this whole thing is that we are connected by a mutual friend and I've lost friends before because someone I really wasn't interested in hanging out with/talking to got mad at me. Which sucks.

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    You know there was a fellow that this Facebook friend of yours might have heard of who said something about not casting pearls before swine.

    You can't reason away stupid, man. I think you're better off without him.

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      Totally. I've said before that physically attacking someone because of their beliefs is being a bad person, no matter what the religion.

      I would have liked to have worked it out, but I guess that's not going to happen right now.

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    Sorry that happened to you.

    Though I do find it kind of ironic that this person is a Christian, because their own god said that if you do the right thing, people will hate you for it. Well, you did the right thing, and your former friend hated you for it, proving his own god's point. Ya just gotta love hypocrites sometimes, yanno.

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      I recall that the Bible has a lot about not reaching out in violence and turning the other cheek. Sad how that part gets overlooked so often.

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        im a christian and i agree with you bud, attacking someone because you think you religion says you can i just wrong

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    I find it terribly ironic that most Christians I've encountered had pathetically low reading comprehension levels. Consider that nothing of value was lost. You don't need friends that glorify violence in the name of religion.