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Mass Effect (and other things) by Krio

devoured my attention for the last two weeks (along with my moving but w/e)
I just ordered #3 two days ago and from skimming reviews trying not to spoil anything for myself
I've gleamed that it was a massive disappointment ending wise so wehhhhh
that sucks but I'll probs enjoy playing it anyways
Mordin and Garrus are my presh babus gahhhhh U//v//U
Legion also makes me hap ahhhhh /5everloverobos ahhhhhhh

and lololol I was actually really surprised by Thane's name bc I've legit NEVER seen Krio used anywhere else besides in reference to the language and if you google krioboly I pretty much dominate the search so ahhhh XD

guh I would've totes been into ME a long while ago if the initial marketing/advertising hadn't put me off
I thought it was just another shoot-em-all-up-army-military-w/e testosterone fest but IN SPACE
all kinds of happy I was hella wrong
Same thing happened to me with Fallout (favefavefave) but to it's credit I didn't pay much attention to it's advertising
outside of the one commercial I saw =v=;;

anywho lol time to get back on track with art stuff!
I think my little spell of a bit of inactivity is nearing an end since I'm settling into my new place well
(and I shouldn't get ME3 till the 22nd =v=)

but yup yup babs ;v; how've ya'll been?

Mass Effect (and other things)


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    Fun fact: I only started playing Mass Effect because I coincidentally happened to know Mark Meer years earlier (he's a cool dude). Now it is a serious addiction.

    The ending isn't bad, it's just not what most people expected or wanted. Make sure you get the free Extended Edition though. Big improvements.

    Also: guaranteeing you'll cry. :3

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      ahhhhhh I'm completely in love with it because space/aliens are some of my ultimate loves and before I even looked into the game I was desperately wanting a space-exploartion sort of rpg ahhhh. The alien lore in it is just A+ (got a soft spot for the Hanar, Elcor, Geth and Quarians) and the starships are hella fly just shsodfhs
      Alrighty I'll try and get that (though I don't have XBOX Live so if it's a dlc then I'm up the creek without a paddle there;; )
      But yooooo +50 cool points to you for knowing Meer yooooooo
      and nooo no more tears I was already stunned/seriously pissed off at the beginning of the 2nd game because my crew my ship my bbys, lame but I acually had to pause and rant at my mother a bit over the injustice of it XD (but wound up loving how everything happened in the end)
      gahhhh haven't even started 3 and already wishing there was a 4 pfft

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        Depending on the version you might get maybe it'll have the DLC? Not sure. Maybe there's a way to load it without XBL, but I don't know.

        And you are gonna cryyyyyy. I cried, but I also mainlined the game in three non-stop days at launch (don't do that, it's not healthy).

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          pfft It's taken me 4 days to complete 1&2 and my sleep patterns have been shot to hell (worse so than before)
          and that's only because I've also had to move houses XD I'd have probably played non-stop as well, I'm really bad when it comes to "quitting while I'm ahead"
          much to the chagrin of my body =v= so I totes know it's not healthy but video games SPACE VIDEO GAMES gfudfgbdfbgdbg
          /gonna have to get a hanky bc from the things I've skimmed I've garnered something happens to some of the members of my team and I love my bbys so big ol fat bby tears will probably abound and I'll be mentally listless for 2-3 days afterwards trying to recoup
          gotta prepare omg XD

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    its weird that people are playign that game agian was there a sale or soemthing. XD? -confused- i heard terrible things Xd

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      I didn't realize others were playing it but I'm pretty much years behind when it comes to console gaming, so I'm slowly going through ones I think are interesting! And actually it might just be a coincidence but I got both the 2nd and 3rd game on a serious sale from amazon xD one was 10$ and the other was 9$
      yahhhhh I used to hear mediocre things about it until one of my friends who mainly plays rpgs told me it wasn't what I initially perceived it to be (which was p much just one of those "boys-vlub" first person shooters)
      He told me a bit about the characters and story and I really REALLY like space and different alien lore has always intrigued me so I gave it a shot (it also helps that it was on sale)
      and I'm really happy I did because I enjoy it a whole lot!!
      If you're just referring to 3 as being bad, then yup I've heard that too =A=
      but Ahst just said that it's more an unexpected thing happening that people disliked, and I usually enjoy being thrown for a loop so I'm still looking forward to it ;v;

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      Nah, it's a great series. A number of people don't like the conclusion, and ME1 is unplayable compared to the other two, but it's solid.

      I think people are getting anxious for the new one, so they're playing again to get a fix.

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    Man, there was a massive sale for ME games on steam a little while back and I tried to buy them but my cards decided not to work and the company I got them from didn't even wanna help fix it. v_v
    So I missed out and it was sad. ):

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      buhhh I got mine on sale on Amazon (sales there are tricky but you can catch em if you're diligent pfft) but awww D; maybe next time yeah!!

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        Definitely. I've heard such wonderful things about the games. Maybe I'll even find a playthrough of the games on YT like I usually do, haha. <3

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    ME3's ending was disappointing because of the plot holes and just lack of choices. It felt really shoe horned in. and from what I heard, the original ending got leaked, so Bioware wanted to do something different?? but could get it done because EA wanted it out the doors. Which is believable knowing EA. But anyways! ye. I still love it despite that whole mess. u vu

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    Okay, I am a MASSIVE video gamer (was a manager at gamestop lols), and I am a HUGE Mass effect fan. And I am almost sure that if you get the updated version of ME3, or any of the DLC, and it fixes the original ending with the better one. YES. They had fixed the ending everyone hated.

    That being said, I played BOTH versions - no spoilers here- and both were amazing endings. The new ending only changes a little, and actually is worth playing instead if you ask me- it just wraps things up a bit better~ <3 And it is SOOOO worth playing!!! <3