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Twincest Anouncement + Stream Schedule by Malachyte

Currently, I am closed for regular commissions. I am trying to concentrate on getting the last version of Twincest finished! I've sort of kept this fact low-key, because I wanted to be closer to completion before talking about it, but I will have it finished in the next 2 months or less (hopefully by mid-April).

The regular comic, Twincest: Beginnings Revisited, will always and forever remain free to view, and I want to make sure everyone understands that. What I am making is a version available for purchase, where the first 10 or so pages are updated completely, so they better match the later pages. The comic was created sort of on the fly, and you can really tell the difference in art style from start to finish, which has always bothered me. So, I'd like to pick at it one last time and get it all looking like it fits together smoothly, and fix a lot of detail mistakes (like double-sided pillow cases and doors that open both ways, lol).

There will also be a pack of bonus images along with the comic pages, because I love drawing those two, and while I don't have a sequel planned, that doesn't mean I don't want to draw them a whole bunch doing terribly naughty things together. I hope that those of you who have enjoyed the comic will show your support by purchasing it when it becomes available. I don't have a price set yet, but I'm giving a ballpark of $10 to $15 for it, depending on how many bonus images I get together, etc.

As for commissions, they are closed currently as stated above, but I am open for stream commissions, like the ones I've been posting as of late. I update my stream calendar every Monday.

Lastly, I would like to announce that I am working on a new comic, too! It will be pretty darned different than Twincest, and I only have the very beginnings of an idea in my think pan, but I am very excited about it and want to share, ha ha. I will be posting character art and profiles soon, and I hope you all get as stoked about it as I am.

Alright, I think that's everything that's been going on lately. You all are what make my art life possible to live out so fully <3

Working on the digital sale release of Twincest.
Commissions are closed outside of stream commissions.
I am also planning a new comic at last.

Twincest Anouncement + Stream Schedule


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  • Link

    Think pan.
    Ahhhh yes. The Homestuck vernacular has snuck its way into your brain.

    • Link

      Ha ha, yes, it's true. It keeps coming out in inexplicable tidbits at work.