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TMI Tuesday by Rooth

It's been a long time.

TMI Tuesday!

Ask me up to 5 questions total, and I'll give you up to 5 answers. It can be about anything, and I'll do my best to answer.

TMI Tuesday


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    Would you rather... kiss a guy or a girl?

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      Girl, hands down. But not just any girl. They gotta be special!

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    Do you have a maximum height limit?

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      Sort of.

      Rooth used to have only a few forms: anthro, and various sizes of dragon, topping off at about half a mile. However, with the work he's been doing with mods to his Portal Gun combined with his particular magic specialties, he can be pretty much any size he wants, although it does (currently) require the use of his Portals to get beyond half a mile.

      Rooth'roo used to have a limit that would increase with each birthday gift he received. Of course it makes no sense, it's Rooth'roo. ;)

      Aram was a D&D character who, after 11 years of play, achieved deity status. The first deific power she acquired was size alteration. In that system, the maximum size permitted by the mechanics was 1600 feet. Aram has since crossed parallel universes to find herself trapped in Rooth's. The rules there are a bit different. She has not exceeded 1600 feet (in any commission), but it might be possible.

      So far, none of my other characters are capable of size shifting. Cinnamon can't even use Rooth's portals. Sharith, Khazzie, and Tomo are static (although Sharith and Tomo are capable of using magic).

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    If you weren't a dragon or kangaroo, what species would you be?
    Have you ever had a dream involving your character(s) as macros/micros?
    What is your favorite movie involving macro, micro, shrinking, or growth?
    Do you like ferrets and/or skunks?
    Who are your 5 fave artists?

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      3) If you asked me that when I created Rooth'ragon and Rooth'roo, I probably would have said wolf or tiger. Now, it would probably be some crazy hybrid thing. Maybe even Cinnamon.

      4) Yes. A number of times. I even dreamed I was Godzilla once. I've never dreamt of being smaller than my normal height, though (relative to my real-life size, that is).

      5) Monsters vs. Aliens ... or possibly Food of the Gods, though it's incredibly dated and horrible.

      6 & 7 are off-limits, beacuse I capped it at 5 total questions. :)

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        Wait, I asked you two questions before? Oh dear, I'm sorry, I didn't know they carried over LOL

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          5 questions total, not 5 questions per person ;)

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            Oh, ok. Sorry about that! Well, guess I'm outta questions for ya at this point anyways!

            Have fun answering everyone else then :-) And glad to see you here on Waesyl as well., Been needing more folks of bigness to follow.

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              No need to be sorry. :) It's my rule, and I know it's stupid, but it's to keep me from answering questions all night. >.>

              Yay bigness!

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    what about Macro makes it appealing to you? is there any form of phycological connections do you think?

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      Oh man, sadly I already hit the question cap. This would have been a multi-facted answer. Closest someone hit on this question was:

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      Sorry about the cap thing! It's my fault! I totally screwed up on the rules n' things. I do hope your question will be answered one day.

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    What do you think of the new Godzilla Movie OwO?
    What made you be a ROO
    Why Macro
    What does your Roo like to do in your spare time OwO
    Aaaaaand X3 hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................Ish there going to be more Godzilla picture with you OwO

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    I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but why a dragon and kangaroo? :)