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Why do I have a Squirrel Fursona? Part 1 by Aldin

At one of betsy's recent sketch stream sessions, one of regulars, ehh123 asked in the chat in general (Paraphrased, going by memory, so hopefully, I’ve got this correct.):

Why did you choose the fursona you did and did what kind of research did you do into it?

Well I tend to be wordy and this may take a while to explain. As such, it’ll probably be broken-up over a few journal entries. In the meantime, feel free to snag the above question and answer it for yourself. I’ll probably add to it as I go on doing my best to explain how I chose a squirrel, why I roleplay him as I do on chats that allow roleplay and so on.

Part 1: Why a squirrel?

I’m a squirrel trapped in a human body. No ands, ifs or buts about it. That’s how it feels at times. (chuckle…or should I say “gigglechitter”) I’m rather diurnal—up with the sun, start nodding off after sunset. It makes it a real challenge in both the winter and summer in Maine. In winter, it’s a challenge getting up in the morning for work, not because I’m tired, but it’s still dark out. In the summer, I don’t get enough sleep ‘cause it isn’t dark long enough. I use a blindfold at times to try and trick my body. I’m a bit of a food hoarder. Not huge amounts that will spoil before they can be consumed. But there’s enough food on hand in the house to easily go for three weeks if you don’t mind not having any fresh produce/milk on hand. I tend to stock up when things are on sale. But I also tend to stock up more in the fall. I’m a nut fanatic (chuckle). I love to be outdoors, especially the woods or by water. I prefer solitude over crowds. I’ve been known to postpone a trip to the store if I walk in, see it crowded and it gets to me. Give me wide open spaces where I can see what’s coming at me long before it can get to me. Alas, there’s one squirrel aspect I don’t have. I have a version of acrophobia. Standing atop a mountain, no problem. Observation deck with a railing, no problem. Looking out the window of an jet or turboprop in flight, no problem. Shear drop-off, no way…can’t handle it.

I’ve related to squirrels as far back as I can remember as a child. I was always fascinated by them. As a young child when I couldn’t sleep at night, I’d lie there and “daydream” of various cartoons with me inserted in as a squirrel. Disney’s Sword in the Stone seemed like such a tragedy to me. Here is this boy who’s been given the chance to be a squirrel. Gets a girlfriend. Girlfriend saves his life and he walks away from it, getting punished in the end stuck in this drafty hall being forced into becoming king. How awful!

When brother came along six years after me and folks eventually put us in the same room in bunk beds, I’d “burrow” under the blankets in the top bunk up against the back wall with that little gap between the bed and wall for fresh air. There were times when the stress of having to share a room with someone 6 years younger than you brought on dreams of adding onto the room a small hidey-hole where I could escape from the brat.

So, squirrel all the way here. But what species? Being from Maine, you basically have two choices: Eastern Gray or North American Red (actually, we have some fox squirrels, which are easily confused with Gray and flying, but there were doubts on the flying population until about 20 years ago). I, personally, prefer gray over red. Red are smaller, noisier and don’t seem as friendly. From observation, reds seem more territorial than grays. Provided grays will also defend their territory, but they seem more tolerant of others than reds will ever be. So Eastern Gray it is for me.

Want to keep reading? Head over to Part 2

Why do I have a Squirrel Fursona? Part 1


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