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Five Questions! by drawhound

Sooo stokerbramwell was kind enough to pitch me five questions for the 5-question meme going around, so I thought I'd answer! Unfortunately, I don't really have the time right now to consider five different questions to ask each of my followers who comments, so you'll have to excuse me there-- it's a busy art week!

1.) You're such a clean artist with such a cute style! Does the prevalence of adult art in furrydom ever bother you?

Aw, thank you!! The art itself has never really bothered me, but I have worried about guilt-by-association from others a bit. Truth be told, I've been wanting to establish myself in the fandom FOREVER because of all of the good things I see in it and the lovely art community it supports, but I've always had this nagging thought in the back of my mind, like "Oh no, what if someone looking to hire me thinks I'm secretly doing adult art or that I have an agenda to do adult art just because I have a gallery on a predominantly furry website?!" I finally kinda decided that that was silly-- it's clear from my portfolio what I'm about, I think, and having a presence here really has been the best in the month or so that I've been around, so I definitely have no regrets!

2.) Which is better: Tex-Mex or Cali-Mex? TESTING YOUR LOYALTIES HERE!

I HAVE TO FIGHT PEOPLE ABOUT THIS CONSTANTLY but I will totally defend Tex-Mex to the death. When I go home for holidays and visits, I always make sure SOMEONE takes me to Casa Ole, because that is my favorite Tex-Mex restaurant on the planet.

3.) What is your dream job?

It's less of a dream job and more of a dream project-goal, really-- I'd love to work on animated shorts set to music. Disney always comes to mind as a place to do it, but truthfully, as long as the project is heartfelt and genuine, I'm not picky. I just want something wordless that communicates through visuals and music only. Loved a good portion of Fantasia 2000, loved the shorts from the scrapped third Fantasia project, loved Paperman... I am totally into that kind of stuff. What I'd like to do has always been kind of nebulous, since I've always just wanted to be in on the planning stage somehow, sharing what comes to my mind when I hear a piece of music, but ultimately I think I'd be happiest as either a storyboard artist, or a character designer for a project like that.

4.) Who or what would you say is your biggest artistic influence?

I feel like this is such a cop-out answer, yet it's the honest truth and I have a lot to back it up-- Disney animation. As a creative who grew up writing and role playing, I put a lot of emphasis on character, and I feel as if their stories do the same. Couple this with a strong portfolio of movies and shorts that celebrate musical artistry, and you basically have the key to my heart. I started at a young age with a gaggle of sing-along tapes that I wore out, which I really think jumpstarted my love of music and singing (I am an introvert and generally like to fly under the radar while out and about in person, but you can bet I will always sing along to something I know and love, regardless of who can hear and/or is watching). And while I was always drawing, it was Disney who came to rescue me from my Anime Phase as a 13-year-old. Atlantis, which was brand new then, was a huge inspiration for me during my first visit to Disneyworld, and I just remember drawing the characters like crazy. At the time, Disneyworld had their Feature Animation tour, and I remember, after taking it, asking the lady at the giftshop if she had any information on how to become a Disney animator. She handed me a printed list of requirements, which I happily took and actually still have tucked away in the sketchbook I was using at the time. Of course, since childhood, I've learned to take artistic inspiration from as many places as possible, so my horizons have broadened considerably. But... there's just something about Disney, you know?

5.) What's one musician/band/group that most people seem to hate that you actually like?

My happiest, most creative years of childhood were my preteens-- middle school, which apparently is a weird answer for most American kids? I was just so into doing my own thing back then that nothing phased me, and I was constantly excited about getting up and drawing and writing and just being as creative as possible. Anywho, the mix of my middle school years consists mostly of movie scores, The Mamas and the Papas, Collective Soul, and... Creed. I had a bestie in middle school who totally loved them with me, so we were ALWAYS listening to their music. Years passed, they released a couple of CDs that I never bought (I've only ever owned the first two), people started hating them... these days they're like, just beneath Nickelback status of being the big joke of the music world, from what I understand. BUT WHATEVERRRRR, My Own Prison and Human Clay will always bring back good memories, even if I've pretty much divorced myself from what the band stood for at the time.

Thanks for the questions, Stoker! :D If anyone else wants to ask me questions or just shoot the breeze whatever, feel free! I like socializing, haha.

Five Questions!


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    Man, you came up with some GOOD answers to my questions! As a fellow who grew up in one of your neighbor states, I'm with you on the Tex-Mex too. I grew up with my family taking me to El Chico quite a lot, and though I know there's better Tex-Mex out there, every now and then I still get that craving.

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      Haha, did I? I just tend to write a lot. :D ... TOO MUCH, by many peoples' standards lol.

      I've actually never been to El Chico, but the next time I'm around one, I'll have to check it out! I'm a little amused at the fact that there are apparently Egypt and Saudi Arabia locations. XD Must be a military thing.

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        CaliMex is WEIRD. They put RICE in their burritos. What the hell is that.

        Please tell me you don't put rice in your burritos.


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          You just don't understand the glory of burrito rice. :I

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          The only time I put rice in a burrito is when I go to Chipotle, but to me Chipotle is different from most other Mexican food. I FIND RICE IN BURRITOS WEIRD TOO, DW.

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        That amuses me too. XD Man, it's been too long since I've been to Louisiana or Texas. Getting all homesick up in here!

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    Your answer to the first question is spot-on with my experiences! I've been drawing animals since forever and I have a few furry friends (who are awesome to hang around with) so eventually I said "who cares what other people think" and started posting art on Weasyl and FA. I want to do children's art, and half of children's art is anthro animals so it just makes sense.

    I have never heard of Cali-Mex in my life. How's it different from Tex-Mex?

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      The easiest way I can think to say it is to say that Tex-Mex is incredibly flavorful and often rich, whereas CaliMex just... so often feels like, microwave heated and bland. There's some sort of love that goes into TexMex that just never feels there out here. Granted, you can get some good stuff out in California if you go to a hole-in-the-wall, corner-of-the-street kind of place, but chains? Forget about it.

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    This is where I want to ask something but can't figure out what. Oh. Something I'm dealing with right now. Ever had to choose between your moral principles and your professionalism? I've been asked to draw something I find really against my views. And on one hand there's that, and on the other hand being an adult and a professional means being able to draw stuff you aren't always fond of... I don't know which is more mature, being a professional or standing up for my beliefs, and don't want to lose one of my best sources of income on top of that.

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      I haven't really been in a place where I couldn't say no to creating something that made me incredibly uncomfortable, but I've certainly seen it happen to other people and have imagined the situation before. I'm of the personal opinion that if you can help it, you should never let something come between you and what you stand for, but I understand that sometimes we just need the money and there's not as much choice in the matter. If you create something you don't want to associate yourself with, you definitely don't have to put it in your portfolio or even upload it anywhere. You might talk to your client/employer and see if either you can come to an agreement, or at the very least, should you go through with it, if they can find a way to keep you anonymous? I know I have a freelancing friend recently who did a piece of political work for a newspaper, and she just asked that they not put her name to the piece. Could you maybe do something like that?

      Unless the person or people you are working with are complete and total hardasses, I would definitely recommend at least speaking with them about how this makes you feel. You'd be surprised how understanding and accommodating people can be as long as you're polite about it!

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        Oh, I'll definitely be anonymous - it's a series of pictures and I'm not allowed to display them even in my portfolio for a while and not allowed to put my name on the pictures (which I was kind of upset about back when we were discussing details). But I've worked for them for over a year and I never had any issues with subject matter before. So it's not so much a matter of my name associated with it, it's more that I'll have to stare at that picture for the couple of evenings I'll be working on it. And it's not a thing most people find disturbing so I'm not even sure anyone would understand.

        I think I decided to do it and chalk it up to one of those things that suck about life but I still don't know what exactly I think about it all besides "ugh".

        I do feel better a bit after talking to you. Most people I've talked to started talking about beliefs and choices and I used to be like that too when I was a teenager but things are so much more complicated in adult life, especially with the way jobs are hard to find in the art field. Nobody besides my feelings gets hurt if I draw that picture but if I don't draw that picture I get less money and that affects my family (not critically but we don't have money growing on trees). I've had an issue with deadlines before and the first thing I heard was very polite but came down to "if you can't do it we know other people who can".

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          Oh no yeah, when you're young and living by someone else's dollar, it's very easy to refuse projects, but I totally understand that it gets harder as you get older and have to figure out how to feed and shelter yourself/other people. These kinds of decisions have to be made all the time, and you are NOT a bad person for choosing to go through with something that makes you uncomfortable because you need the money. Don't ever forget that!

          Good luck with it! Hopefully it goes as quickly and painlessly as possible.