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My Weasyl Lagging Behind by Skee

I'm sorry I don't update this gallery as often as I should, I find it difficult to motivate to post here when there is so little reaction

I mostly keep checking Weasyl these days to see if some of my favorite artists are opening commissions, but even then I can't afford to actually buy from them

I want Weasyl to do well, competition drives improvement... but, at least for now as a low grade artist who needs to work to live, I can't justify putting a lot of time into here

I'm sorry... To those of you who would really like me to make the move I'm sorry

I'll keep coming here as often as I can to see if the situation changes

My Weasyl Lagging Behind


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    Yeah, I kinda know what you mean. ^_^;

    Weasyl is a cool place, but since it's still relatively new, I'm not getting much of a response whenever I post stuff here either.

    Hopefully things will improve soon though, and if nothing else, at least I'll be watching you here. =3

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    So here's the thing.
    Y'know how sometimes there are people who want to draw, but never practice? They never put in the time to build their skills, so they never see the end result.

    It's the same thing here. If you stop providing content here, then the traffic falls off little by little, too.

    Use the chrome crossposter.

    You can crosspost at a click of a button in the URL address bar.

    The situation isn't going to ~change~ any more than FA is going to ~change~ after it was promising to fix it in Ferrox for the past 6+ years.

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      Don't suppose there's a Firefox version? Not comfortable using Chrome

      I understand that not posting is a self fulfilling prophecy, but I have seriously limited time these days, have to be working constantly to stay afloat, so I can only really afford to burn time keeping 1 site active and FA is where I get all my business...

      If there is a Firefox version of that extension though then I'll use it and the problem of time will go away, I just really want to avoid using Chrome again

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        There is not a firefox version :((((
        idk, I found transitioning to chrome really easy. I punched "IMPORT" into the settings menu's search bar and bammo it was done in a minute.

        Not sure what problems you had with Chrome! For me all it was was uhh.. poorer memory recovery from closing tabs. I had more issues irt to Firefox with stability and website compatibility. Mozilla use is down worldwide, and website development for that is starting to reflect that more and more.

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          Chrome has(had?) some serious issues with my setup that would cause it to randomly open/close tabs, send forms half filled, fail to play videos or play them double speed, hide comments on FA without input and post the same image 10+ times on websites with no flood protection... I'll have to keep looking for a viable re-poster, or maybe write one myself if I get a decent amount of down time, thanks for the suggestion man

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            That's reallllly weird. If that was a long time ago, then I would suggest seeing if those problems have been corrected by now? ; _ ;

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              I'll take a look when I have the time, see if it's all cleared up :)

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                Well I hope it is ;u;

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          Actually there is a Firefox version, just you won't find it in Mozilla's Add-ons search, I can't remember where you download it from, but I have seen it around somewhere I need to look for that link again.

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            Well if you can find it, lemme know so that I can update some of my help links! :D

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    If people like you don't help to make it better it won't happen any time soon. You need to help something grow to make it better, doesn't do it by itself by doing nothing for it. :c

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      I'm more than happy to see it grow but I don't have the time to put into it.