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Suicide Helplines by D6016

last night, my mother was looking through the paper when she saw a familiar name in the obituaries.
It was someone i used to play soccer/football with.
He had taken his own life at age 28 after struggling with mental illness.

i don't have anything else to say.
before you say anything, i am fine, don't offer me any condolences or sorry's.

instead help share things like this.
if you know any other resources, let people know.

in this tumblr post, one of the people who reblogged shared the numbers of many suicide hotlines for many countries.

don't suffer alone, don't let others suffer alone.

Suicide Helplines


Journal Information



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    Suffering alone is what I'm best known for though.

    I actually kind of wish that were a cheeky joke. :/

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    I finally have my first therapy appointment at St. Claire's scheduled for March 7th. I'm nervous, but it needed to be done.

    It's taken me years to learn that I'm not alone in dealing with these thoughts and impulses, and not to be ashamed of my problems and try to hide it, and I can only hope that more people learn the same. There is always help out there.

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      I hope it went well for you, and continues to help. Sometimes therapy can be a heck of an adjustment, especially if you are accustomed to dealing with it alone and silently. But finding a good therapist can make such a huge difference. Best of luck.