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NSFW by clubsofmeloncholy

So I was wondering if I should make an nsfw account? What do you guys think? I've been debating on whether to do that or not dskfnds



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    Or you could just post it on this account and tag it nsfw i mean the tag is there for a reason?
    But yeah man, i'd love to see you smut.

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      Oh U///U
      true, I guess I could do that, I just wasn't sure whether to put it all on one account or not.
      I've been thinking about giving it a shot and seeing if I could do it sdfs >_<
      I think I'm going to give it a shot. <: thanks~

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    I don't have anything against that! I've heard that people tend to dislike the thought of users making separate accounts for their nsfw art, but I totally understand wanting to separate it from your main gallery (or not wanting it connected with your main art alias so that it can't come back to bite your butt in real life one day . . . i d k that would be my fear.) I've heard the mods say that's an a-okay reason to have multiple accounts though so I say go for it if you want to! :>

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    Could always do what I did and just make a NSFW folder too :)

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    It's up to you in the end, but this website has a great filtering system that more people need to know about. It's not only the normal ' general, mature. Adult' blocking. You can go in and tell it you don't want to see certain tags with certain rating ( Like Adult Pokemon for example). If people don't want to see it then they wont.

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    You could simply make a separate folder with all your nsfw tagged stuff in it :3