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looks so furry . A . by pomchi

People that I show the site to are like oh is that a furry site? I'm like nu it's for both ; u ; but there are lot's of folks moving from FA.

But this still made me wonder, are folks here more furry lovers? Does this make it harder for us non-furry drawers to get our names our there?

looks so furry . A .


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    I'm hoping that the furry thing will settle down after the initial migration from FA, but I don't know that it's going to happen. I don't mind furry stuff being on the site but some of the stuff is really off putting and will drive away other types of artists and that's really unfortunate because it'd be nice to have an art community that isn't focused on one thing like FA or run poorly like DA.

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      I agree, it'd be nice to have a range of artists. I really like furry so I also don't mind, but I have to admit I'm more of a fan of furries that look like animals not like half human hybrids. >:

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        Same, same. I like furry stuff, but the ones that are too human just feel boring to me? I like them because they're animals with human personalities rather than that they're part human physically.

        Though, ignoring the visual appeal, I think the terrible behavior allowed to run rampant in the furry community is what drives people away. Hopefully the community on this site will be less gross and more welcoming to everyone so we can coexist.

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          I don't find them boring just can't get into them at all >: I guess it's like people draw kemonomimi's (humans with animal features) and this is animals with human features > O >
          but I have found that it's the way they are drawn like there is an artist fancyowls that I really like and their humanoid furries are amazing that I love them to bits O A O

          I think the behavior on both furry and non-furry sites is disturbing, it's just what people make of it. Like I've read an artist on DA that draws furries being attacked by a furry lover just because they don't agree with furry porn and this was DA not FA. So really, people can get nasty everywhere. (/(エ)\)

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    personally I feel it will be more challenging.. but as an artist ive always struggled even among non furry artists.
    I think its just about skill lvl or how much people love your work + the community on the site itself.
    DA, for me, the part I was around it as about popularity, then skill.

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      I know what you mean, DA was and is a lot about cliques and sometimes you wonder why this person gets so much attention when their work is so B-rated. A lot of it is because a friend of a friend that got a large watchers base made a journal and bam - popular baby.

      But anyways you are right that it's about skills, it should be, that's why art is great, but content is a very important part also, like fan art. It's a great thing, but I kind of feel like it's cheating. Let's draw fan art that everyone will like no matter the quality, it's like that one time when I drew a Dedenne (it's a new pokemon) and posted it on tumblr, it got like 150 reblogs in 4 hours and I'm a nobody on there because I don't use it literally. >:

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        yeahh your right about content, detail plays apart of that as well i guess. & 150 reblogs? wow! thats quite alot lol guess fanart does wonders..but your a great artist so i'd assume you'd get alot imo > u<

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          Well that's the thing when I posted original work I got like 5 likes max xD
          Fandom is such a great thing out there now a days > 3 > // especially on tumblr

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    I often see people who are worried about their work not getting out there on the site because of this or that reason. The important thing I feel is that people understand that exposure is also an active process. My recommendation is always to try getting involved with the community. Share your work, comment on others, offer critique and ask for it, and generally be friendly with your fellow users. Of course it also doesn't hurt to spread the word about Weasyl. If you'd like to see more of your friend's work on here or a type of work someone you know makes, tell them about Weasyl. There will only ever be a greater variety of work the more a variety of artists want to give the site a shot. :]

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      I'm not worried about exposure that much, just the community preferences. It will be hard for non-furry artists to live off of commissions when most customers will want furries, but the site is still young, We'll see which way it'll go, I'm not losing hope that's why I'm trying to get more artists on here. o u o

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    I can understand what you mean. When I first joined I thought it was strictly furry as well, but then a lot of my favorite artists from dA started migrating over here so I thought I'd give it another shot. Furries don't bother me at all! In fact I love them to bits, but its the sexual content I see when I first load the front page that sort of scared me off a bit, haha. I don't think being a certain "type" of artist will matter when it comes to getting yourself out there. I think just being active in the community, commenting and having a good time with various other members will be more than enough for someone to get recognized. c:

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      Any type of porn is rather disturbing ; u ;
      And I don't mind artistic nudity, but there is a thick line between those two. I like furries also, but do furry lovers like non-furry art? You are right about the community, I don't doubt that, getting involved helps a lot.

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    To be perfectly honest, with it's name and how I first heard about it a couple of years ago, I did actually think it was solely a furry website; but I'm seeing a lot more non-furry work, and it seems to be getting as much attention in my eyes

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      haha me too, but my friend told me about it and the first thing she pointed out was that a lot of FA users are moving over so I was like oh okay, so it's not just furry and then I saw a couple of DA journals with artists moving over so it's quite a mutual move from both sites, just more rapid from FA. I've noticed that a lot of artists don't want to move from let's say DA (since I don't go on FA) mostly because they have a hard earned fan base there and they feel like a move to another site might be like starting from zero. Which I perfectly understand, it's why I'm on both sites, I don't think I'll leave DA or anything, but I want to keep some things exclusive to Weasyl and help it out on the side. >:

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    I think it's turning into a site that has more, but because of the influx of furry artists coming from FA to here, it will be a little more challenging for those who draw non-furry art. :c
    But I think there may be a bit of a split in community later on in the months if it does not settle down?

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      That might be an issue indeed, I hope it does settle down. >: