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Art Plateau by brightfire

Lemme preface this by saying my intent is not at all to sound arrogant. I'm posting this out of curiosity.

I'm at one of those weird plateaus where I look at what I've drawn recently and I'm consistently happy with it. It's happened in the past and sometimes it lasts a few days or maybe even a few weeks. This one's been going strong for a month or more.

I usually beat myself up over every little flaw, so it feels really weird to look at things I've made and feel proud of how far I've come since I started actively trying to improve.

Is this a thing for anyone else? I don't really know what to make of it to be honest.

Art Plateau


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    Yeah, I'd say I've gone through times like that, but I lean more on the side of them lasting a couple days, at most. I say, ride it out! Use this time to draw some of your grander ideas, if you can.

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      I've had a fairly big commission and a trade so it's definitely going to good use!

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    There's a scale about improvement and apparent improvement and pretty much everyone goes through a boom and bust period. Enjoy it while it lasts and don't let yourself become complacent.

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      Oh man, being complacent is one of my biggest art fears.

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    It's happened with me before.

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      It's really really weird to be happy with things for a change.

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        The worst part about being happy is being unhappy worrying about when you're going to not be happy anymore.

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          In general the worst part about having a thing is the constant nagging fear that you might lose it.

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    I usually feel awesome about something I've drawn for a week or so and then I look back at it and go NOP, DIS SUX, I SUK, ERRYT'ING IS TERRIBE /bittersobbing
    Vicious cycle.

    But yeah echoing what the top two folks said, pmuch enjoy it while you can, revel in that feeling of awesomeness before it 180s back to Frown Town again

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      I just wish I could know when it's coming ahead of time because I don't wanna take any trades or commissions when it does since I'll just be all "THIS IS BAD!!" /tableflip