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What would you do if... by xXMrMittens

Saw some other people do it. WHY NOT.

What would you do if you found this sharkbutt on your bed doing the following things:

1: sleeping-clothed?
2: sleeping-lingerie?
3: sleeping-nude?
4: securely bound?
5: sifting through your porn?
6: writing out a meme?
7: wrapped in birthday/christmas bows?
8: playing with your plushie/ponies?
9: stealing your cookies/candy?
10: waiting for you?


What would you do if...


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    Out of curiousity, am I supposed to answer that.

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      Well of course. :U

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        1: sleeping-clothed? -Snuggle with
        2: sleeping-lingerie? -Sleep on the floor
        3: sleeping-nude? -Sleep on the roof
        4: securely bound? -Untie most likely
        5: sifting through your porn? -Jokes on you, I don't have any porn
        6: writing out a meme? -Really? RELLE?
        7: wrapped in birthday/christmas bows? -So late... yet so awesome
        8: playing with your plushie/ponies? -Nuuuu, my lion plushie! Be careful with it!
        9: stealing your cookies/candy? -'s okay, I got pizza.
        10: waiting for you? -....what? I said it wasn't me who painted Wheatly orange.

        You know, some of these situations are rather bizzare when you realize that you're my shark mother.

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    1: sleeping-clothed? Let you sleep.
    2: sleeping-lingerie? Be surprised but let you sleep.
    3: sleeping-nude? (Assuming not under a blanket) Blush and quickly leave the room covering my eyes.
    4: securely bound? Free you and beat up whoever tied you up.
    5: sifting through your porn? Uh, I don't have any...And my computer is password locked anyway haha.
    6: writing out a meme? Watch you I guess.
    7: wrapped in birthday/christmas bows? Oh my glob I got a sharkbutt for Christmas, best present ever. <3
    8: playing with your plushie/ponies? Laugh and watch I guess.
    9: stealing your cookies/candy? >:V Hey that's mine, sharkbutt! I would've shared if you asked...
    10: waiting for you? Hey I'm here, now we can have sharkbutt-burdbutt funtimes. :D

    Ahaha I'm so boring. But you told me to do it so I did it. :I

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    1: sleeping-clothed? - Aww! Sleepyshark!
    2: sleeping-lingerie? - Leave the room. This situation probably wasn't aimed at me.
    3: sleeping-nude? - Isn't Mittens always a nudeshark by default?
    4: securely bound? - Fear not! I shall rescue you!
    5: sifting through your porn? - What... How did you get in here anyway?
    6: writing out a meme? - You came all the way here just to do that? Not hang out? ;-;
    7: wrapped in birthday/christmas bows? - You're a little early or late, you know?
    8: playing with your plushie/ponies? - Please put down the inspirational desk ornaments. (Transfomers/Halo)
    9: stealing your cookies/candy? - Help yourself! :D
    10: waiting for you? - [Vader voice and kneels] What is thy biding my shark mother.

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    1. Eat her
    2. Eat her
    3. Eat her
    4. Eat her
    5. Eat her
    6. Eat her
    7. Eat her
    8. Eat her
    9. Eat her
    10. Eat her ...
    11. Eat her >:V
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    Well since I'm a bit bored...
    1: sleeping-clothed? Let her sleep her lil sharkbutt off... unless she actually broke in without my perssion then she's in a rude awakening.
    2: sleeping-lingerie? Stare for a bit, then let her sleep. Why on Earth would I wake up a sleeping shark?
    other than the reason above of course.
    3: sleeping-nude? Annnnd then I wake her up with a box of cats.
    4: securely bound? Le freak out because SOMEONE IS IN MY HOUSE AND KIDNAPPING SHARKS!

    Then untie her. Seems like a nice gesture.
    5: sifting through your porn?... oh I hope she doesn't find my human porn.
    6: writing out a meme? Annoy her to no end with internet references and meme jokes.
    7: wrapped in birthday/christmas bows? Say: "A bit early, don't ya think?"
    8: playing with your plushies? First, go HHHNNNNNGGGGG! Then have plushie adventures.
    9: stealing your cookies/candy? ONE MILION YEARS DUNGEON!
    10: waiting for you? Enter room... then stare awkwardly at her for a while with a weird face until she say something.

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    1. sleeping-clothes? use an airhorn to wake you up
    2. sleeping-lingerie? pour water on you because sharks need water :U
    3. sleeping-nude? flip the entire bed
    4. securely bound? free all the sharks!
    5. sifting through your porn? how the hell did you get through my computer's password?
    6. writing out a meme? what kind of meme?
    7. wrapped in birthday/christmas bows? My birthday was three months ago, silly shark
    8. playing with your plushies? you can play with my Blake plush, just be gentle because he's fragile lol
    9. stealing your cookies/candy? shaaaaaaare pleeeeaaase
    10. waiting for you? [glomp]
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    1: sleeping-clothed? snuggle with you
    2: sleeping-lingerie? offer you a blanket
    3: sleeping-nude? take away the bottle of alcohol
    4: securely bound? wonder who brought you into my house and tied you up, and how soon i'll get the same treatment!
    5: sifting through your porn? "uhm, excuse me, wtf are you doing and how did you log onto my compu- WAIT SHIT NOT THAT FOLDER!"
    6: writing out a meme? I'd ask what you were doing...and then maybe do the same
    7: wrapped in birthday/christmas bows? Untie you and offer you a drink, some snuggles, and a blanket
    8: playing with your plushie/ponies? I'd ask if I could play with you!
    9: stealing your cookies/candy? I'd ask you to make me some more!
    10: waiting for you? I'd be super excited and totally glomp you