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thumbnail question by Dogmeat

how do you guys manage your thumbnails? do you crop your images to interesting parts or just plop your image down and hope for the best?

kinda curious really, since i do a bit of a mix, but i know theres kind of a ~visual science~ when it comes to image cropping. has to do with creating an interesting space in the square that'll make a person click etc etc

whatchu find works for you? uvu

thumbnail question


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    It's a mix for me too. Although I find myself trying for the max amount of the image as to avoid having every pic be a cropped face. That said, most of my current works are portraits, haha. So yeah.

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      ohhhh yeah i can see how that may be a problem, moreso if its an entire gallery of cropped faces haha. 'u' i think i'll continue along those lines then, if only to break the whole gallery into different pieces, as opposed to keeping everything as little zoomed in bits

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    I crap details or faces usually!

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    At first I'd crop around the most interesting part of my images, but as I've been browsing the site I've realized that that makes it really hard to tell what's even going on, which sucks from the pov of someone looking for pretty arts.
    So after that, I kinda went back through my gallery and recropped mostly everything to show as much of the image as I could-- which still sucks as far as my wider compositions are concerned, but it feels like the lesser and more functional of two evils at this point.

    I can't wait until/really hope they do away with the squares thing like they say they're working on, it's super-restrictive. D8

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      This is what i was concerned about actually! Early on I was planning on doing the same thing but, truth be told, like you said its really hard to tell whats going on in the rest of the image because of it (I also fell subject to laziness like "plops down sketch and runs off to bother partner's bird")

      ahhh this is true 'u' I can see how wider compositions can be effected by the whole thing since you're dealing with a very restricted amount of space.

      hopefully they do! it looks like that's one of the uh, biggest concerns here on the site, which in retrospect is very lax in comparison to coughs some other sites coughs. 'u' they seem to be very good about handling people's concerns it looks like!~

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    I usually crop to the part of my photos that I think would lure the viewer in.

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      do u crop it to the butts

      if u dont i wont click

      (but naw i getcha 'u')

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        Psh is there anything else TO crop to?
        I'll crop you to your butt. I'll crop me to my butt.

        I'll crop everyone to just butts.

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    I put in as much of the image as possible into the area. Personally, when I just see a bunch of faces or abstract parts in my submission box I find myself unlikely to click on any of them. The weasyl mods are apparently working on getting rid or are making the crop feature optional for those of us who would rather not use it, so I'm excited for that to be changed.