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Know Thing About Me. Meme. by anfael

i'm do this because I'm really good at writing about myself. actually that's not true i can only produce quantity and not quality. are you ready tho. strap yourselves in because it's going to be a humdinger!!

what u real name...
real names are for parents and credit cards. anfael will do just fine. shorten to anf. or to an. maybe just a if you're feeling daring?

how height???
185cm which is 6'1"ish??? that's without heels. like i fucken need them

what u hair

what u eye?
i just looked and it looks green bluey grey. it's subtle so i guess it depends on the light. you know how a colour can look different by context? yeah that

how u orient
i orient all ways. everybody sexy. you're sexy. i'm sorry was that inappropriate. sorry

dohohohohohohohohohohoho. idk genderqueer? fluid? not sure whether queer or fluid is right for me. research continues

are you single or????
im single. and ready to mingle!!!! haha. just a lttle joke there. well not a joke more just a rhyming couplet

how u spare time
lots of flagellating self about not drawing more. i do a program computer a lot. pythons. but then pyhton gets too slow so i reread how to do c or c++. it's always re-reading, i never use c often enough to be fluent at it. i read too much tumb. twit. the social networks. i really like posting mounds of stupid verbiage (witness). i like to pick a direction and just walk. i need to get a bicycle again. i've been saying this since 2010 when i last had a bicycle

what u job
i'm a web developer? a furry's a web developer? no way. don't you do enough python then smarty. the answer is yes. actually i do more javascript at work but who cars

what u like about u
i'm not a great advice-giver but it seems people can confide in me. i also think i'm quick to understand people so they spend less time than usual (hopefully) explaining themselves, and if not, i give them the conversational space they need to get it all out. i can make visual creations look professional, except illustrated art lol. i'm sorta good at computer???? on a good day i can be fun company??? i think? i like my singing voice although i'm not sure if anyone else does. i rock the disco pant. im a fucken goddamn-ass dragon

now what u hate about u. idiot.
i can be avoidant, anxious, harbour deeply embarrassing teen-flavoured paranoias that nobody likes me. i overanalyse. i can be really weird about contacting people?? i provide labour for the insulting and demeaning turbocharger attached to capitalism's grim global engine. i have poor control over where i aim my aloof standoffishness. i have a chundred really stupid neuroses, each of them minor but adding up to a big erratic nincompoop. on a bad day i can hang around like a fart in a room and make people feel awkward and say exactly the wrong thing. ALSO IM A HUGE BUTT WHOm SMELL LIKE TURDS

what u fren notice when they fren u
lately it's been the red jacket. best fucking purchase no regrets would A++ again

what do u religion
idk. athetits i guess but i occasionally dip into some weird foggy personal metaphysical thinking when i'm in need of solace

u drink
hell yea

u smoke
not really

what u scared
freak disabling accidents. car wrecks. bathroom slips. ok sorry i'm grim let's move on

u dreams... u goals
become a latex horse. i'm serious

u had a crush and ex?

whos ur bestie?
um idk i feel even tho i accumulate friends slowly the ones that have gotten close all feel like they're looking out for me and ready to hear me. it's taken a while and it's really good. hi

what u like eat
if u say we're going out for japanese, thai or indian i am definitely there. but i like other things too. nice answer

u drink??
ugh it's embarrassing: soda. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. point and laugh at me. punch my balls until i stop. also i like strong beers brewed by european monks and served in weird goblets. also idk wine but i;ll drink it because im a classey ladey

u fav color???? go
in order from i like it best to i like it ok but not as much as best:

  • eye-searing magenta
  • all other colours

pspspspsp secret power??
my secret power would be to turn into my cool furry character (dragon...)

fav movie?
this is a toughie. fatal combination of not watching enough and being kind of a critic even though i hardly have the knowledge or experience to be a good or informed one. maybe you had this growing up though: the one, random-ass movie that you had lying around the house as a kid, that just happened to be the most amenable to you and your siblings, eventually earning the rank of 'idiosyncratic family movie'. well ours was The Blues Brothers (1980)

what food u hate
broccoli yuck im a big baby wah wah ppbbbbttt

what food u eat before dead
like a super stack of chicken and waffles. and a root beer float. i won't care how i'll feel after due to dead

what you car and what u ideal car
a series of randomly chosen rentals. currently a mazda 3 which i like well enough. so that's my ideal too i guess? i dunno. someone car advice me i have no idea. i press the foot button. big loud box of seats goes forward.

what bug you hate MOST
well after my visit to my family in australia during christmas, christmas beetles, appropriately. stupid crunchy fuckers

what pet peeve u hate
i try to have less of these. or redirect them to worthy things to rail against. but ok let's be real. we're talking pet peeves so let's get grumpy and precious and petty. it's sound intruders. like the ones that inflict their maximum-volume phone alert sounds, their music taste and their mumble-mumble-laugh-track upon you. i don't care about temporary instances, like passing car stereos or loud headphones on trains. but the ones that sit themselves down for the long haul in living or working spaces, just scratching at the edge of your perception. yes i've been sharing an apartment lately why do you ask. what's the deal with airport food

what u hate in life
injustice, exploitation, institutional bigotry, wilful bigotry, and a little lower down on the scale, inadvertent bigotry. at least that last one can be nipped in the bud, maybe. if you really want me to rage show me police brutality. why would you want me to rage

so on that cheerful note!!! bye!!! pleased to meet you. wow that was a long time spent talking like an idiot

Know Thing About Me. Meme.


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  • Link

    It's been an awesome time hanging out with you, would hang out again. hugs silly draggy
    phone makes goatscreaminglikehuman noise OOPS DORRY

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      aww eryshe likewise!!! IM READY TO SIGN THEM PAPERS

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    Anfael will protest the status quo as a sexy rubber dragoness.

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  • Link

    this gave me a good laugh that I needed badly, THANK

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      aww uwu my pleasure hog, hang in there!!! you own

  • Link

    such insightful
    much meme
    so inform

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      i LOVE meme's

      you seem familiar :3

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        I get around (round get around I get around) I'm a real cool head