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Oh alright then. MEME'D by Doran Eirok

Oh alright. These are fun every now and then, so here ya go!

What's your real name?
We'll just stick with 'Doran Eirok' for public internet purposes, shall we? It's real enough!

How tall are you?
5'9" (175 cm)

What's your natural hair color?
Dark brown

What's your eye color?
Dark brown

What's your orientation?
Some combination of bisexual, pansexual, and asexual. Essentially, I don't get interested 'that way' by many people, and when I do it's for the person irrespective of their equipment.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Happily taken!

What do you do in your spare time?
Many things! Relaxing and watching shows with my loved ones, and eventually a bit of drawing, video gaming, and noodling around on my electric bass given enough time.

What's your job or occupation?
I am a researcher, currently involved with a project modelling urban ecosystems.

What do you like about yourself?
Quite a few things! Which I recently addressed here, actually:
In general I work hard at being a kind and gentle person, warm and genuine with people, and focusing on the brighter side of things wherever possible. I try to be the sort of person I'd want to hang around with, and treat others the way I'd want to be treated.

What do you dislike about yourself?
See above! The trouble with the 'golden rule' thing of treating others the way you'd want to be treated, is that it falls apart a little bit when it turns out that you're kind of an oddball with different priorities and perceptions and sensitivities than everybody else. I can be awfully fragile at times, and odd things that don't seem like much to other people can really affect me deeply. So I guess I wish I occasionally had the ability to sort of turn down my 'sensitivity' so to speak. I also sometimes wish I were better at expressing myself; I often err on the side of wanting to avoid conflict or causing trouble when I really ought to call somebody out on something they're doing that I'm uncomfortable with.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Difficult to say, and I'd be curious to hear people's answer to this. Possibly the fact that I squeak. Randomly. It's this thing my body's decided that it's going to do instead of either hiccuping or burping conventionally, apparently.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I generally categorise myself as 'eclectic.' I am a quite spiritual person, but it's a pretty open-minded spirituality that will happily take inspiration from just about everything from liberal Christianity to Buddhism to Wicca to Carl Sagan documentaries.

Do you drink?
In moderation. A few times a week at most, and more than one unit over the course of an evening is quite rare for me. Although since moving to the UK I have developed a deep appreciation of good Scotch Whisky.

Do you smoke?

What are your major fears?
A little bit of everything. No particular phobias or anything, but new or awkward social demands and responsibilities can raise my blood pressure a fair bit. Being a disappointment to people I care about. Being shouted at or snapped at by people I care about.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Many! with varying degrees of realism. I've already conquered transAtlantic geography and international barriers to be with my loved ones, which was a pretty big one dominating the last decade of my life. At this point, I'm very much wanting to own a house with them (hopefully soon if things keep moving along!), and in a few years own a sporty car I can really be excited about. In a general sense I just dream of and work toward a comfortable and stable life with my Special Somedragons. The ability to transform into my dragon self would be kinda cool, too, since you're asking.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Have had a crush once, which eventually matured into very special platonic friendship. No complaints there.

Who's your best buddy?
I don't really go in for ranking my friends, so I'll just express my overwhelming joy at having a number of people who are very very dear to me, and whom I am deeply grateful to have in my life. <3

What's your favourite dish?
Old Chicago deep dish supreme pizza. I miss that stuff dearly and wish they'd open up a franchise in the UK! Or at least that somebody in this country would discover the wonder of proper chicago-style deep dish and import it.

What's your favourite drink?
Hmm. It used to be pretty easy for me to just say 'root beer' but it's tricky, I've got a lot of things I like now. Talisker single malt whisky is up there.

What's your favourite colour?
I am a particular fan of both Dorey Blue and green.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
I still really like ToeClaws' answer of the ability to remove greed/jealousy/hate from people, and it's hard for me to go better than that. Maybe to put something similar in my own words, I'd say... the ability to give people clarity. To somehow let them see an issue from other perspectives, so they could understand the point of view of the person they're hating on or being jealous of, see the big picture, and be granted that spark of realisation that comes with 'oh... I hadn't thought of it that way.' I like to think the world would be a more harmonious place if more people could do that.

What's your favourite movie?
My favourites list includes How to Train your Dragon, DragonHeart, Aliens, Terminator 2, Contact, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, The Fifth Element, and Children of Men.

What's your least favourite food?
Hmm... I'll happily give just about anything a shot, but I tend to react badly to anything with mayonnaise if it isn't fairly well-hidden.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
Current car is a 2009 Peugeot 107 in black, a cute little manual drive Eurobox with a 1.0L 3 cylinder petrol engine. It's fun enough now that I've gotten more comfortable driving manual, but my dream is to own something a bit sporty and stylish a few years down the road. I'm looking at things like the Volkswagen Scirocco, Peugeot RCZ, and Toyota GT86, but given positive past experiences and being an American 12 year old boy at heart, I'm eyeing the 2015 Ford Mustang's Europe release with great interest.

What is your most disliked bug?
Gotta go with mosquitoes. Yes, they're slow flying and not hard as hard to hunt down as some, but that NOISE is pure psychological warfare, man.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
It is a very, very long list, for I am a quirky dragon with a lot of funny hangups. I don't think any of them are particularly unreasonable, and I imagine the greatest ones all concern matters of personal consideration and respect, and how people choose to channel their hostile emotions. I know people have bad days and get frustrated and angry at all sorts of things, I do too, but don't EVER take that out on the person who loves you and is trying to help and isn't the cause of it. Because that hurts in awfully deep ways that take a long time to heal. Don't ever channel it into how you drive, either, because that's just catastrophically dangerous.

What do you dislike in life?
People doing those things I just whined about in the previous question. And in the question about my major fears. I dislike letting people I care about down, I dislike being the target of people's anger. And more broadly, I dislike the actions of people and the designs of things that cause harm or frustration in ways that are easily and completely avoidable.

What do you love in life?
As much as possible. Because goodness, just look around, there's so much to love. I'm most grateful for my friends and loved ones though, since they're the ones who constantly fill me with the happiness required to be able to perceive that beauty.

Oh alright then. MEME'D

Doran Eirok

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    smiles No real surprises here for me either, other than you literally squeak in real life. *laughs* that just seems so fitting. If I had to fill in the blank for impressions on first meeting you, at least in the on-line sense, it would be your immense capacity for being caring, sweet and fun.

    chuckles I like your sexuality description too - though you forgot a little bit of pawsexual in all that too. ;)

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      giggle The squeak is odd, but yeah, it does seem to suit me pretty well I think! And true, pawsexuality definitely plays a role in there too it has to be said. ^^ I think that's a lot stronger for me in a fantasy/dragony/anthro sense than in real life, where like other things it depends primarily on the person said paws are attached to.

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        ....Weasyl why do you ruin my happy squinty eye smiley faces???? :<

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        Aye, same is true for me. Heh - Weasyl's mark-up formatting is a bit odd. I don't know why it eats the squint-style smilies. Normally, you prefix a special character with a backslash. So... if you want to do an emote like *hugs*, you have type type it like \*hugs\*, otherwise you get hugs. I tried doing the backslash with the squinty smile face, but it still gums it up. Not sure what's going on there.

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          Yeeeeeeeah I noticed that about my asterisks keep turning things to italics. I'll remember the backslash thing though for some things... let me know if you figure out how to get my usual smiley back though!

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            Heh - we'll try. Let's see if spaces work. No spaces ^_^, one space ^ _ ^, Double underscore no spaces ^__^, with spaces ^ __ ^

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            So spaces and double underscore. :D

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              Science has been done!!! ^ .. ^

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                Yes sir! hugs all scientifically

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                  *purrrs FOR SCIENCE*

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                    Don'.. ack..grah dafffft.... No purring! You're already cute enough as it is!

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                      *purrrpurrrsqueesqueeeflooooooooof* ^ .. ^

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                        *sighs* Alright, I give up. *just keeps hugging* ^ .. ^