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Lies, fabrications, falsehoods, but mostly half-truths and obfuscations by Clove Darkwave

What's your real name?
Kadavyr de Gotica

Names you go by?
Midnight (or Mr. Midnight), Rilvor, Batface

How old are you?

How old do you feel/act?
It entirely depends on the day and who you ask, I suppose.

How tall are you?
Six feet and four inches of Tim Burton concept art.

What's your natural hair color?
A sort of brunette-chestnut color

What's your eye color?
Stygian Blue

What's your orientation?
What impropriety is this? That is none of your business.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
My fiance here Sparkyopteryx
Stop reading this nonsense and go look at her art!

What do you do in your spare time?
I do a lot of things as the whim takes me but often it involves going out, writing, gaming (Both video and tabletop), creative brainstorming, spending time with my other half, reading things online, and a host of responsibilities.

What's your job or occupation?
I sell people bits of jewelry to stick in holes all over their body.

What do you like about yourself?
My appearance, the way my subcultural affiliation permeates so much of my life, my hair, my devotion to intelligent thoughts and pursuits, and my personality in general. I feel like I have come a long way in these years. There's more yet, but honestly I don't enjoy talking about myself in this particular manner.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I sometimes get too wrapped up in my own logic, my forgetfulness, and a host of other minute things. I strive to be patient and temper my reactions, so it comes as no surprise that when this slips I am disappointed in myself afterwards.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I am hard to approach, intelligent, intimidating, and extremely selective in who I accept as a friend. I can only imagine that those who looked past that saw something more, as we're still friends these many years later.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'd like to believe, if I could but convince my mind that it was true if that means anything. I'll have to settle for what we observe in the universe.

Do you drink?
My fiance sometimes calls me a "hole in the desert" in reference to how quickly drinks disappear so long as they are within reach. My favorite non-alcoholic drinks would be Tea of many kinds save for herbal, Diet A&W, various juices, and a whole host of unique drinks. As far as alcohol goes I love Absinthe, Jagermeister, Gin, Irish Cream, Vodka, and Rum the most but I suspect that will change as I continue to try many more. I'm generally fairly serious about the quality of my alcohol. I cannot stand Beer or Ale, and I continue to try Wine despite how many times I end up not liking it by the end of the glass.

Do you smoke?
I had a very brief stint when I was younger. I simply lost interest in it. A decade later I have come to have an extreme distaste for it.

What are your major fears?
That I will never figure out what I want to do with my life (Although with the recent engagement, I think I am willing to come to the terms that my life will be good and wonderful despite that), my ability to bring income might falter, and of course death.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I have had many, but I have trouble having faith in their viability. But since we're playing pretend, I think my dream would be to have a home with my fiance that the two of us could keep afloat simply by being a writer and her being an artist. I don't care much for the rest of the world some days.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
I have only one ex, a brief relationship I broke off myself when I came to the conclusion there was no emotion involved.

Who's your best buddies?
That's a complicated answer. But to keep it short, I have a friend I have had for over a decade but we do not speak or interact much despite still being in contact over the net. Ultimately my other half is the best fit for the bill, and goodness knows we were friends before we were ever anything else.

What's your favorite dish?
You cannot ask me this, it simply can't be done.

How about a nice, hot, burnt Dourdough Malzone?

What's your favorite drink?
Please refer to the drinks question.

What's your favorite color?
Black, black black, blawwwwwk

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Can I just be one of my characters instead? Oidhche has like a dozen powers I'd love to have, not to mention those other monsters...

Name 3 of your favorite movies?
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The Kraken's Lunchbreak, Uncle Buck, Beetlejuice, Alien, Hellraiser...Oh we were supposed to stop at three?

Name 3 of your favorite shows?
Gargoyles, Big O and the '90s Batman: The Animated Series. Do I get a stamp on my Gothcard?

What's your least favorite food?
I'll assume this means a distinct type of cuisine, and answer with any "Mexican" that isn't their Seafood. Seriously, find a nice local place that does authentic Mexican seafood!

What's the last meal you want before you die?
A pill that makes me immortal is the only answer I could give seriously. I like morbidity and all but really?

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I gave up my last car, but if I could pick what I really would like to drive well then let's settle for the Batmobile. That or a giant robot.

What is your most disliked bug?
Anything that flies and has a stinger. You should try sitting down next to an undergound yellow-jacket hive some day, it's an experience you won't find at Disneyland I tell you!

What pet peeves do you have?
I don't have pet peeves, those are asinine sounding, but I do have a fair number of behaviors I find very irritating and disappointing.

What do you dislike about life?
I don't wish to sit here and malaise about things in life after an amusing exercise.

Lies, fabrications, falsehoods, but mostly half-truths and obfuscations

Clove Darkwave

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