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Sorry for not being able to thank you all by Iakhot

Hello old and new watchers!

Wether you were already a weasyl member or you just moved from FA, thanks a lot for watching me. I appreciate it a lot. I hope to see more people moving from FA or completely leaving it and come here.

I am currently unable to thank you all like I did on FA, you see. I am being very busy this year - I go to school everyday (and I do mean EVERY DAY) and when I'm not there I'm trying to maintain my appartment in order.
This leaves almost no time for the FA to Weasyl transition, and much less for drawing ....

It just doesn't matter if I have less watchers this way, the things at stake are much more important. For once, we could move the furry community in a non shitty place.

Anyway, thanks again. You'll see me posting a lot of old stuff in the few upcoming weeks.

When I'm done posting old stuff, I'll start posting new stuff! And I will post all these drawings with a delay on FA. I'll just do anything so that people leave FA for an actual good place.

Sorry for not being able to thank you all


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  • Link

    Your so welcome! hugs I just hope more people move over!

    • Link

      I do as well.