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3 AM is the perfect time to get to know me by Lacus

What's your real name?
I reveal that to people that wish to privately communicate if they want. My name is otherwise Lacus.

How tall are you?
5'0" check it out I have a cute lung capacity and can't reach anything ffffff

What's your natural hair color?
It's pretty much a dirty blonde

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
Pansexual but I'm just gonna throw it out there that I love the d ahahaa....

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your spare time?
Draw, read random stuff on interwebs, listen to music, sing and dance around like a dork, watch stuff on the interwebs, go hiking and kick balls around when it's warm outside

What's your job or occupation?
Looking for a job and sort of in between places in life

What do you like about yourself?
I'm actually going to use a visual example from one of my favorite webcomics to answer both these questions.
I'm not like them

What do you dislike about yourself?
I keep telling myself "Someday"

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I asked a friend about this and he is probably kind of biased but

My cute, shy nature was the answer and I think that would be agreeable for a few people.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I am actually affiliated with an organization but I don't really specifically talk about it much. I'm willing to elaborate if asked.

The important thing is that it's a pretty universalist one so that means my weird hodgepodge beliefs from many different sources are acceptable.

Do you drink?
Sometimes. I don't really think it's good for me.

Do you smoke?
Smoke what now?

/obvious cannabis consumer reaction

What are your major fears?
Not fulfilling my hopes and dreams, being abandoned and unloved, and deep water with potential prehistoric fishbeasts AAUUGH OMG KILL IT JEREMY WADE. You know, boring normal people things.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Yeah I actually want to be a cute little artsy housewife and raise a family as it turns out I'm not really that hard to please or fulfill I suppose.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yes to both

Who's your best buddy?
I think it's obvious people I hang out with IRL get preferential treatment to this answer but I also don't think I can really choose there's so many now that I think about it haha.

What's your favorite dish?
I really like spicy food so things like burritos, curries, give me things with green chili doused on it.

What's your favorite drink?
Tea. In general just tea. I drink caffeine in the morning and switch to decaf herbal in the afternoon. I also really enjoy coconut water and sparkling water that has lime in it.

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Shape shifting ftw are you serious I'm a furry and one that has like 4 fursonas at that of course that's my answer

What's your favorite movie?
I seriously have too many of them. The Big Lebowski remains among them. So does any Ghibli feature.

What's your least favorite food?
I've found that if it's not home made and if it's made for convenience the taste factor can often go down. Not a fan of really sweet combined with meat or dishes overflowing with meat things or the like.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't actually drive and I would prefer not to if I don't have to actually. If I do want to drive I have to get a lot of help and resources I don't have to even start so...not likely.

What is your most disliked bug?
I have no idea what they are actually called but there were these gross little stink beetles that infested my parent's house when I lived with them in a rural area and they sprayed this gross apple perfume smell out their butts that made me feel ill. I am glad to be rid of them.

I also did not appreciate the pine beetles eating the trees inside out and making everything a fire risk that was pretty shitty of them actually.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
I cannot deal when people pressure me with being domineering and noisy it is very rude and a personal affront

I am also very annoyed by people that refuse to listen to reason or see it from my side when I try to see it from theirs.

What do you dislike in life?
I don't like that I need money for everything to live and that it's actually kind of expensive and makes me feel like a burden. Pretty much fuck the system man, I'm a hippie that isn't down with it.

What do you love in life?

3 AM is the perfect time to get to know me


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    So much 'D'aww' in that link.

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    Holy fuck those amazing comics. Leary was an amazing teacher c:

    I think I got really into furry because it was a community that valued your creativity over how well you fit some cultural norms or a dress code. How did you get into furry?

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      I think I can agree with the furry community statement, although the early years were kinda rough on me, because apparently furries used to think bullying stupid teenagers that merely hadn't developed their skills yet for fun made them edgy and cool.

      Well it's an interesting story actually I started out heavily in the anime community when I was around 12 or 13 or so. I had always really liked animals and pretended to be them and what not so the whole "cat girl" thing was a thing for me. Then I started to see people bitching about this community of people known as "furries."

      So I started looking them up because it was seriously a moment of "There are people out there that like cartoon animals as much as I do? THIS IS A THING?! HOLY CRAP." I was hesitant though because of seeing people complaining about and trolling furries.

      Eventually I decided the anime community had its own messed up drama, anywhere I went was going to have mean people and bullshit, and I went headfirst into the furry fandom with a Furaffinity account and everything. My parents actually noticed the fandom's involvement getting me even more seriously into art than I already was, so right after I joined the fandom was when they bought me my digital tablet that's still kicking around.

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    I too like the D and kittens.

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      when I linked to a kitten video and my answer was babies it was pretty much that I love all baby things omg cuteness