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Getting to know me, getting to know all about me~ by uglylilmonster

What's your real name?

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Dishwater blonde

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
Queer as hell, I prefer mascunline-presenting people but am just. really gay. for everyone.........

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Taken by slackerJAW on here :)

What do you do in your spare time?
Draw, play with my pets, spoil my pets, be sick, play Neopets, play other cutesy video games, think about boners and monsters and witches and faeries and MONSTER BONERS

What's your job or occupation?
Disabled, unfortunately! I was working towards becoming an illustrator but then I got fibromyalgia and it is consistently getting worse by the day. To put into context how bad it is, I qualify to live in a nursing home and I qualify for an aid to come help me in my home.

What do you like about yourself?
I'm super passionate about stuff and I try to be empathetic and consider all points of view without like... neglecting the people who need someone on their side.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I am exceptionally sensitive, prone to anxiety and depression, and incredibly melodramatic (though usually it's over things that are actually meaningful). I dwell on the past and am easily overwhelmed by the present. I am AWFUL about shipping stuff X_X

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Probably that I put myself down a lot and apologize a lot. Old habits die hard.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Non-practicing (too sick lmao) agnostic pagan.

Do you drink?
Very rarely, mainly socially.

Do you smoke?

What are your major fears?
Becoming my mother, becoming my father, my boyfriend dying, etc. Boring normal people fears

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I... wanna get married and start a family. I feel like it's an unaccomplishable dream now, with my severe illnesses.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Who's your best buddy?
OH MY GOSH I HAVE A LOT OF THOSE off the top of my head
Savannah Horrocks is my SISTER for REALSIES
Eryshe / Joe Meyer is HOT GRANDPAROO
Insouciance / Matty is my personal chewtoy lmao
Neesboy / Nees is awful and I love him for forcing me into not one but TWO character OTPs. wait no THREE NOW GDI NEES
SlackerJAW / Jake is my anime husbando and the light of my life, bless him

What's your favorite dish?
I'm going with this being FOOD so uhh. Really good shrimp lo mein, SWEET POTATOES, really good ramen, stuffing, christmas ham, potato soup

What's your favorite drink?
TEA and COFFEE ugh I love both so much

What's your favorite color?
PASTELS but ESPECIALLY PINK I am a literal five year old girl, I want pink EVERYTHING

If you had a super power, what would it be?
How about not having fibro? Can that be a super power? O_O
Real answer: Hmmm..... The ability to talk to animals! (actual fluttershy uglylilmonster)

What's your favorite movie?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suspiria, The Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, Beetlejuice, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Black Swan, Bridesmaids, Hocus Pocus, Little Nicky, Marie Antoinette, Mean Girls, Pitch Perfect, Practical Magic, Sleepy Hollow, The Craft, Watchmen (Director's Cut), so many many more

What's your least favorite food?
Beans and green beans. yuck

What's the last meal you want before you die?
endless thanksgiving dinner lmao with a dessert of a mega ultra ice cream sundae. that sundae BETTER be as tall as me or I REFUSE to die

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't drive, too anxious to handle it, and cars are way too expensive.

What is your most disliked bug?
Bugs that are touching me or are on my bed. Otherwise, we cool.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Uhhhhhh I guess it's people who like.... try to invalidate my / other's experiences? Just because they personally have never experienced X (because they're Y). Like dudes who don't understand why I might be uncomfortable, as a cis lady, with the sexualization of female characters in video games and comic books.
Or people who uhm - try getting me really pumped about finding a cure. For my incurable illness. I can't maintain constant hopefulness, it's emotionally draining and has led to a breakdown in the past. I will probably always be really really sick and I won't get better. It'll probably get worse. I know these people are coming from a place of kindness and love, it's just... thoughtless that they want this for me when I've told them it's an incurable illness, and a simple google search would turn up the fact that it's a neurological AND physiological disease, so it's... basically how my body runs now.

What do you dislike in life?
UGGGGHHHH OUR SHITTY WORLD like there's so many good people and organizations but the way western civilization is built it prioritizes a very small class of people, gives them almost all the wealth, and leaves the rest of us to fight over the scraps and beg for basic human rights. Western civilization is NOT collapsing fast enough (this is hyperbole, FYI)
Also I dislike being ill but I gotta accept the things I can't change, otherwise, mental breakdown. LOL

Getting to know me, getting to know all about me~


Journal Information



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    Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me~

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    I think there must be different versions of this circulating because I didn't not get a bug question and I feel jipped!!

    And DANG good movies in there.

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      I love spooky movies I am always down to watch them ~w~ reading yours now I'm glad yours had a name question I was wondering what I ought to call you when I talk to my mom about you!! Tho do you have a preferred name / preferred pronouns?? (I like to check so I don't fudge up)

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        We will have to have a marathon sometime and cover ones we haven't seen.

        Oh thanks for asking!
        You can call me Kassie and she pronouns. n___n

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    I have a deep love for potato soup. X//d

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      Same and my mom makes some awesome potato soup, me and my bro constantly nag her to make some and it's this giant pot that's gone within a day. TATO SOUP

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        laksdjoiwa X//d i want some i'm coming over for soup

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        laksdjoiwa X//d i want some i'm coming over for soup

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          yEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE my mom would probably be really excited to have company and you'd be swarmed by our animals, haha

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    gentlest of hugs ilu <3

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      ilu2 friend <3 <3 hope your day is well!

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    Can we just hang out surrounded by pink stuff and eat copious amounts of stuffing while watching those movies cause that sounds pgreat.

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      ye that is pretty much what I do (I had stuffing and sweet potatos for dinner last night, I'm living the life)

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        Aaaa that sounds so good ;n;