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Kiriban Won & Get to Know Me by Zhampy

Seems like Weasyl takes a while to update your stats page, because people were getting my kiriban from as early as 3:17 to late as 3:37 O: Well, i may to these or raffles for followers, people who comment a lot and people who fav randomly. Should be fun! Anyway, congrats to nowe

What's your real name?
Kirsty! NOT Kristy omg. Y'know, i still don't think Pokemon has used my name for a trainer yet :(

How tall are you?
5'4", 5'5" , 5'5" somwhere around here i forget.

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Single4lyfe, brah.

What do you do in your spare time?
I sit on my butt drawing, or i sit on my butt playing video games. I'm so original!

What's your job or occupation?
I work in a lab testing grain. It goes from working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to doing literally nothing in winter. And the management took the music player off the computer >:/ I would like to get into doing commissions full time, but i can't live on my prices.

What do you like about yourself?
Err, well, i'm good at keep secrets and don't gossip so people like to tell me private things. That's a nice feeling~

What do you dislike about yourself?
I have no self-confidence and crippling social anxiety, and meeting people (even friends) makes me nervous.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Oh, i dunno. You tell me!

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Athiest. Only thing i know about church is singing hymns at 8am is really annoying when you're trying to sleep. Gorgeous architecture on religious building tho <3

Do you drink?
Not alcohol or tea. I am the worst Brit.

Do you smoke?
No way!

What are your major fears?
I get vertigo i think is the name? Basically, if i'm really high up and there is not barrier to stop me i get the horrible urge to just throw myself over the edge. It's almost hypnotic. But if there is a fence or a wall or something i have no problems. Weird!

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want to create a vibrant world for my characters, but i'm shit at landscape images so that's not happening any time soon.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Had a crush on a boy in senior school once, for like a fortnight. And nothing since! And no.

Who's your best buddy?
Don't have best friends anymore--just a group in general.

What's your favorite dish?
Corned beef hash, cheese pudding or yorkshire puddings with syrup!

What's your favorite drink?
Whole milk. God, i'm such a nerd...

What's your favorite color?
Purple! Pink-purple, blue-purple.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Flight! But i want feathery wings, not just to float around like some chump.

What's your favorite movie?
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists. Hot Fuzz. How to Train Your Dragon. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Lion King. I dunno, i really can't pick a favourite.

What's your least favorite food?
Tomatoes. Shit is everywhere in everything and it's just a contamination D:<

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Something fancy so when the coroner looks in my stomach they'll say "wow, she had good taste". I want that on my grave.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I have a Ford Fiesta something or other. My dream car is a bright yellow VW Beetle U vU

What is your most disliked bug?
Midges. Wasps can go fuck themselves as well, bad-tempered arseholes.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
When people stand right up behind me in line. I take a step away for some space and the scoot right up against me again. Heard or a thing called personal space buddy?

What do you dislike in life?
How the weather can change 20 miles down the road. "Oh, it's a nice day today, i won't wear a coat! Oh fuck me it's raining here."

Kiriban Won & Get to Know Me


Journal Information




  • Link

    Aha yes! High five on the feathery wings thing. GOD I'd love to have wings...

    ALSO, another one of my British friends was telling me about the sort of food you have over there, and as soon as I read "yorkshire puddings" I got reminded of how BADLY I want to try one some day.

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      Try cooking some! Store-bought ones are a bit sad. And if anyone tells you Yorkshire puddings with syrup is weird well, they're wrong and a liar and they smell bad.

      • Link

        I'll definitely try and look up some recipes, then!
        Heheheh, I'll have to try 'em with syrup then, too. What kind of syrup though? My mind immediately went to maple syrup.

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          I usually just have golden syrup, but i reckon you could have anything!

          • Link

            I'll try and see if I can try it with both, then. And anything else, really, my other friend was telling me how people even put dinnerfood on 'em to eat, and it just... sounds so good. I really hope I can make one soon.

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              Yeah, the intended way to eat em is with mash, gravy, peas and roast beef etc.. A proper Sunday dinner style. Or just one huuuge one with gravy and sausages called Toad in the Hole. But i like them better for dessert with syrup and that's not very common apparently ^^;

              • Link

                Oh god, that sounds so good... I'm not really one for sweet stuff (eating too much makes my stomach upset and queasy), so I'd probably enjoy the mash, peas, beef, and gravy version best. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

  • Link

    Your real name is my middle name! That's amazing. :P

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      And what if YOUR real name is MY middle name O: dun dun dunnn

      • Link

        That would be... A SIGN

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    So I'm guessing you're British?

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        My dad's originally from the Liverpool area. He's a huge Anglophile. For some inexplicable reason he likes Branston Pickle. I don't get how you Brits can stomach stuff like that and Marmite. Then again, I'm sure you guys don't get how we 'Murrikans can eat double-bacon cheeseburgers with Krispy Kreme donuts for buns.

        • Link

          If your dad was born in England i'd say he has a good excuse to be an anglophile, haha. And Branston Pickle and Marmite are delicious. Marmite is a love it or hate it thing tho. Those and those super-sized coffees and such are crazy. Also, peanut butter and jelly is gross :P

          • Link

            I don't like peanut butter and jelly. But I love peanut butter sandwiches. I tend to be REALLY hungry at lunch, so I usually pack one for extra energy and fullness.
            I also heard that you're only supposed to use a tiny amount of Marmite and mix it with a lot of butter, so us Murrikans have been doing it wrong.

            • Link

              It's a stereotype that yanks send their kids to school with PB&J sandwiches. And that you also don't use milk in your chocolate?
              Yeah, you're only meant to use a little bit! It's pretty strong stuff. And apparently the Australian version, Vegimite, is even worse! Gotta try that sometime.

              • Link

                Where did you get that we don't use milk in our chocolate? If anything, Americans are probably far more averse to dark chocolate than Europeans, lol.
                I also heard that the English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish all hate each other. Or at least have a tongue-in-cheek rivalry. I guess kind of like how the Northeast, South, Midwest, California, and Pacific Northwest all have their different customs. (Seriously, what's up with Californians and putting avocado on everything? Or Southerners and their insanely sweet tea and borderline creepy hospitality?)

                • Link

                  Scotland, Wales and Ireland hate England. England being the more powerful influence we've been huge dicks to them in the past. It's played for laughs nowadays and people joke about rivalries but there is some seriously bad stuff gone down in history. It's really not the same thing as inter-state rivalry. Something more like your example would be a West Yorkshire vs East Yorkshire "why are wessies so loud" sorta thing xD

                  • Link

                    Yeah, I've heard about those struggles. What do the British think of America? Is there a lot of anti-Americanism on Iran levels there?

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                      Nooo, nothing like that. Just some friendly ribbing like "our version of this show is so much better than yours", "damn yanks and their remakes of British classics", "speak English properly!". Silly stuff xD

  • Link

    Hey that wanting-to-throw-yourself-off-a-high-place thing is called cognitive dissonance, apparently! I hate that feeling, I stay far away from tall edges. :T

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      Really? i never knew the proper name for it. Yeah, it kinda sucks :/

  • Link

    Wings would be so mega cool to have. @A@

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    Cries tomatoes are so horrible as just slices and stuff and they always make my sandwiches soggy >8(

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      Soggy sandwiches with stray tomato seeds is THE WORST.

  • Link

    So many things made me laugh so much xD

    • "I have no self-confidence and crippling social anxiety, and meeting people (even friends) makes me nervous."
      I can definitely relate on this one.

    • "If i'm really high up and there is not barrier to stop me i get the horrible urge to just throw myself over the edge. It's almost hypnotic."
      OMG I thought I was the only one! @_@

    • Something fancy so when the coroner looks in my stomach they'll say "wow, she had good taste". I want that on my grave.
      This was the best XDD

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      I'm surprised and sorta relieved that there are more people with the bizarre lemming tendencies! xD

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    Ah, delicious yorkshire puddings. I'm so glad my grandparents passed that recipe down...

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      They are pretty great.

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        Never had them with syrup, though... I'm way more partial to gravy and a roast!

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          Yeahh, i didn't know having them with syrup was uncommon until recently xD I always make extra for dessert.

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            By the time I get to dessert I'm so full already. ;-; I do know some of my family members like jam on them, though...