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Get to Know Me Meme by Raipanlong

Since it's going around (and nobody much is likely to see it, =P)

What's your real name?
Hi! I'm Danni~

How tall are you?
6' (I know, I'm a monster. ;-;)

What's your natural hair color?
Dark red

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your sparetime?
Dork around on the internet, roleplay, read internety things, play too much Monster Hunter...

What's your job or occupation?
Caretaker~ I help folks~

What do you like about yourself?
I'm tough as nails and pretty upbeat in general!

What do you dislike about yourself?
...aaand I'm also kinda pudgy... Can't seem to dip below a certain 'thickness'. I guess it comes with my body type?

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I'd have to ask them!

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Things and stuff - I freestyle it, mostly. I'm not much for organised religions or popular systems, they all have too many rules and scoldings.

Do you drink?
Yup, now and then!

Do you smoke?
Used to! (It's part of why I can't talk now, =P)

What are your major fears?
Interesting question - I can't say I have any troubling, 'major fears' I ever lose sleep over. Maybe I'm too darkly chirpy?
Or too shallow. XD

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I'd love to get one of my stupid little hobby RPGs I write published someday. Even as a cheap 1$ PDF thing, it'd make me sing to know people are playing and enjoying something I've made.♥

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yes, and yes.

Who's your best buddy?
I have a couple! I'm rather fond of! Fella who goes by Purplewoof and lady of Woofle, my dear Nasuth/Adari(who is terrible at settling on a handle), blah blah~

What's your favorite dish?
Funnily enough, I love plain ol' dumb hamburgers most of all. All kinds of toppings, but just... Burgin'.

What's your favorite drink?
Drink, or drink-drink?
Non-alcoholic: Tea~ All the teas! Black, green, herbal. Love me some herb broth.
Alcoholic: Kahlua mudslides, or just plain ol' Tarantula Azul.

What's your favorite color?
Green or purple (Uh huh~)

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Superior shape-shifting, probably.

What's your favorite movie?
...No way I can pick one. I like too many!

What's your least favorite food?
Depends on my mood, but I'm not usually much for super sweet stuff. (Despite loving chocolate - give it to me dark!)

What's the last meal you want before you die?
How morbid~♪
Probably an authentic, fine ol' ginormous Juicy Lucy burger with nicely seasoned curly fries, and a triple chocolate milkshake.
I'm a kinda simple beast sometimes.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't, haha.

What is your most disliked bug?
Who dislikes bugs!? They're so neat♥
(Hornets are kiiinda jerks tho, so if I HAD to pick...)

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
As in, things I hate the most?
Willful stupidity and bold-faced hypocrisy.
We're all ignorant now and then, and everybody has exceptions to their general rules; But when folks are absolutely unwilling to put any effort into learning/act like learning is a soul crushing chore, or when they act smugly superior over a thing someone else does then turn around and do that themselves, those really, really irk me.

What do you dislike in life?
Life would be much better if we didn't have to sleep or poo. X.x;

Get to Know Me Meme


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      blush I aaam, it kinda sucks sometimes actually, haha... "WTF tall chick?!"

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        no i think its really cool slkjdoiw! Seriously!