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Apologies for comic flooding by Foxena

I just want to apologize for the comic flooding fun that I've been doing lately trying to get my comic from FA onto Weasyl. The lack of comic (previous/ first/ recent/ next) buttons is kind of annoying to me but Eh. There's only so much I can do with it. At least its all in its own folder now so its easier. There will also be sub-folders soon in the "overlord comic" folder with character profiles, brainstorm sketches and character development sketches. Thank you for being patient with me while I cross post everything slowly but surely. I promise i won't be as flood-y with my stuff once everything is cross-posted.

That said i am NOT moving completely to weasyl, i'll be crossposting mostly everything from my FA from now on unless I forget to. Basically maintaining two galleries as opposed to one. My primary presence will still be on FA, that said, I will do my best to keep content on both sides including livestream notices and commission information.

Thank you for your patience and I hope those of you who have moved here indefinately/permanently will find the experience with me over here just as fulfilling as it was/is on FA.

Love you all c:

Apologies for comic flooding


Journal Information



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    Actually I think there's a way to code link buttons though I'm not familiar with it.

    This said, there is actually an "older/newer. link when you're looking at an image. It's just in the lower right of the screen rather than right under the image, and even include previews of said images so by posting comics to their own folders you already mitigate the problems of not having codes for first/older/newer/latest links :)

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    I can help with the nav controls. I did it with the Bikers.

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    Love you too ma'am ;3

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    I'm not too worried about it. The spam caught my attention and now I get to enjoy a lot of comic when I didn't have much else to do. :3

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    Ahh-Yeee!! I just emptied my inbox. I don't watch that many people here, do I!? LMAO jk
    It's no problem Fox huggles

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    No probs. I've never seen it from the begining and I've seemed to have caught interest in it.

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    < a href=URL>PREV/ < a href=URL>FIRST/ < a href=URL>NEXT

    Here ya go! Just remove the space between <a
    In other words... <a href=

    Hope that helps!

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      Tried it for some reason the first link ovverides the rest of them, It;s allright theres a thread in the forums asking for it, fingers crossed it wont be too hard to implement. I really hate the idea of using code anyway its really clunky compared to what FA does. Thank you though!

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        Did you remove the space at the beginning of each link? I had to break each one so it would all show. But I agree, it'll be easier if they can add a fix!

        What LudoCrow said works pretty great for now though!

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          I did indeed, Basically I think in the long run its better to wait for a possible fix than to do what's existing and have to go back and change it twice. I have 200+ pages so that would get cumbersome quickly.

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            Darn. I guess I didn't format it right. Oh well. I'm sure you are right, there will be a fix eventually!

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        It should be
        < a href=URL>PREV / < a href=URL>FIRST / < a href=URL>NEXT
        with the spaces removed in between < and a.

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    Please don't apologise, re-reading them from the start is a pleasure. :)

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    I didn't see any comic flood. I only see, "Isla Aukate 042 ."