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A GOOD New Year.. by Fengzhou

Here's hoping that all the bad can quiet down and we all can just.. focus on making things better for tomorrow.

All this tension is absolutely exhausting. x.x;

I worry over friends who are in dicey situations a lot and I worry about those who went off on their left ear and vanished entirely. I do still think about them and how they are doing.

All I can do is just sit like a good mule and wait it out.

A GOOD New Year..


Journal Information




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    At least the tension is encouraging people to use this site more often. A new community is refreshing and badly needed. :)

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      Perhaps that's what I'm experiencing being more or less 'new' to the fandom/community.. I'm usually extremely private or hidden about my work up until an old friend bent my arm to get me to post stuff on FA..

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        It's been a long time coming for that site, honestly. I am sorry this has been your experience so far. Hopefully Weasyl turns out to be a lot more positive for you. :)

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          Yeah... I mean, I just got torn apart because someone made a journal over here asking about people getting aggressive notes for wanting to leave FA and such.. and I responded with that I personally haven't had those, but I do know people who have chose to leave, some of them have come down on others who chose to stay and that it was pretty crappy no matter which side is receiving it, and I got told by someone else that I was 'extremely disrespectful'.. I was like 'whaaat?..'

          Caught me off guard so fast.. I still am boggling over what the hell was so bad about being honest.. Like I guess I should lie about my experience?... I mean the girl who made the journal never responded to it, someone else who read it all did.. I just wish I could figure out what is wrong with people.. Wasn't very nice at -all-...

          I feel bad still after sleeping, I had to flat out ask if the person was on drugs or something... It had to be the rudest comment/question I've ever said to someone but I didn't know what else to say.. I was being assaulted x.x;

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            I am so sorry that has happened. :( Unfortunately peoples' emotions are running very high right now, given the reason for this exodus from FA, and people are reacting differently based on their own experiences. Some people who normally would be a lot kinder are snapping at the slightest provocation, so I'm just choosing to let aggression go because I don't know what horrible experiences they may have gone through that this is triggering. I was able to recover quickly from what I experienced, but I realize how fortunate I am and that not everyone is at the same stage of recovery. It's just unhappy all around, and I wish the FA admins could see how badly this is tearing apart their community instead of how it is inconveniencing them.

            Anyway ... try not to feel too badly about that exchange. It probably wasn't directed at you - rather, they may have been lashing out at whatever has happened to them, and this hostile environment that has suddenly sprung up in many parts of a community they otherwise felt safe in.

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              I agree.. People are thinking and reaction with their emotions far more then they perhaps should.. however 'should' is perspective alone.. I'm by far a more 'logic' oriented person so I find it extremely difficult to grasp how people hang onto such pain and stuff for extremely long periods of time.. As a result I get looked at like I 'don't care' when that couldn't be the furthest from the truth.

              I have a friend too whom was essentially molested.. and she was capable of recovering very quickly from it, but later on she came across that person again and entered panic mode... but since then and confronting it she's been better off. We ALL have really.. rotten things happen to us all throughout life. In just saying that people assume 'did you just claim it's just part of life to have X Y or Z done to you?.'... well.. if I elaborated further they'd just get even madder x.x;

              It's dirty behavior, shouldn't happen to ANYONE.. but the fact is, it does. Bringing awareness without being trigger happy and accusatory to people in discussion is important.. and together we can make a better tomorrow. It's just that hope I have, when others just tell me to 'ignore people who are dramatic'... well you can't always ignore people, some people really need someone to listen... or hell, even to vent at. :)

              SOO glad there's at least ONE person here that can talk to me without wanting to stab me lol. Thank you.

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    Hope it blows over too >3>

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      I hope so... I mean, I really don't like seeing everyone so hair trigger tense.. and up in arms so easy.. It's really not cool. I just wish the best for people.

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    As I said before. Its furry drama. It's born from stupid, lives in angst, dies when people no longer give attention to it. It'll die down, people are still going to be stupidly hurtful towards other people in the meanwhile, but if you ignore it, it goes away. Snugs

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    I've noticed that some of the tension has already started easing up a bit. Sorry that your experience was so bad, but when people get tensed up they tend to go into Fight or Flight mode, and intelligent discussion doesn't go very far when that survival mechanism is in gear.

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      Sad... but true.

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    i wouldn't relate you to a mule at all..... ):