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Hello and welcome to Weasyl by Meep

at least most of you seem to be leaving with kind words and nice farewells to FA
dear god theres so much ANGER in some people.

the fact that like 8 people i watched on FA were saying 'if you don't leave FA- you are a rape apologist' just bothers me.
one fursuiter i liked proceeding to drag themselves through the mud by commenting on EVERY response to their piece with snarky rudeness, using the fact people are cis as a insult. or telling people to go die.

i just ugh

I hope you guys are having a decent week, i'm not. anxiety is fuckin with me.
lets chat though.

whats your favorite feature of this site?
Do you like the Collections feature?
Is there anything you would change here if you could?

Hello and welcome to Weasyl


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    They'd hate my responses to what I feel on the subject matter. They act with swarm mentality and that is why I won't post it publicly.

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      its that mentality that's killing my opinions on so many people and its a damn shame.

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        I agree big time... Hive mind, Swarm Mentality.. White Knights.. it's all the same. It's just OLD drama that happened YEARS ago apparently.. only dug up again soon as they discover who's doing a little work on the site. It's like.. SERIOUSLY?..

        At any rate. I'm here, and there, and all over. You want anything, even if you think it's stupid, just yell at me. :3

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    Oh my goodness... I'm considering just leaving quietly at this point, I don't really care to have ignorant responses to personal views that ain't hurtin no body, I'mmmm sorry you arent having a good week

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      Yeah i agree. i legit got called a rapist for not wanting to fully leave FA. uhhh...

      this whole drama scene is just dividing the fandom
      [i was a weasyler before it was cool hipster sunglasses]

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        that just silly at this point like.
        It's time to calm down
        step away from the computer
        drink some tea and put on some chill tunes guys no need to get nasty ):

        I'll place an extra 10 sunglasses on you heck yea

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    I see im not the only one dealing with people of diarrhea of the mouth syndrome :l

    I find this site neatly organized but I wish we can get rid of the downloads feature under our works plus search through peoples art faster in our inboxes

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      yeah, a lot of people are getting it.
      i do wish the download feature wasn't there as well and yeah i feel the inbox needs more work. the fact that i have to either select all of my messages to get rid of journals or indivually click each checkbox is a bother

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        people just are crazy

        Well it does say beta above the weasyl icon so most likely theyre still playing around with the site

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    Some were calling those who dont leave....rapists?! How on earth does that even...............ugh lord. Weasyls ok, I didnt get it to leave FA though.Hopefully the crazy will die down again soon.

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      god i sure hope so

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    I left FA, but I posted a journal first explaining as kindly/vaguely as I could why I felt uncomfortable on the site, then wishing everyone well. Then I cleared my gallery and deleted that journal, replacing it with one listing new places to find me. I checked for people like you who showed other places I could follow them, then I left. I did my best to avoid the people who were saying that if you don't leave you're a rapist or rape apologist though. I don't like the drama, but I hate how people are reacting to it even more-- that's actually the biggest reason I left other than disliking the administrators and how they handle site issues (not just the most recent drama bomb, but all of it).

    Like people above said, I dislike Weasyl's download function. However, I really like having folders and sub-folders, and the character section is a godsend. Maybe now I'll finally re-draw all my old references and give characters that need references some of their own :)

    I'm really sorry your week isn't so good though :( I hope it gets better for you!

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    But it's all got the Greater Good!
    ...The Greater Good....

    Skitters into a corner to hide from all the drama

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    I love that there's a characters section... and something I would change would be a "next" button to go through submissions in my inbox. Unless there already is one of those and I'm just super blind?

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    I'm sorry to hear that your anxiety has been bothering you. I know how that is, mine has been acting up a lot lately too, but for different reasons. I have social anxiety and it's been really bad lately...

    I came here from dA actually, since a lot of people were upset (myself included) regarding a situation involving a corrupt admin who actively and knowingly steals art without giving credit... And their policies involving the notion that 'tracing is okay'. The admin responsible also uses his personal biases in his decisions as an admin, which should not be okay, but apparently it is on that site. It's just awful. I like this site because they have rules in place to deal with corrupt admins if they get too power-hungry. Which is always a good idea, just in case. I also love that they allow mature works here without banning people over it. I don't believe in stifling anyone's creativity, as long as they're drawing their own work and not stealing from others.

    I have an FA account but I don't know all about the drama going on there, since I barely use the account anyway. I only keep it open to network with people, and haven't really posted on it in ages. I plan to be a lot more active on this site if I can though. (Going to post some stuff some time this week and next week.)

    So far, the only thing I would really change here is the lack of users. I think there need to be more people. And the font bothers my OCD a little, because I think it's Arial or something and I strongly prefer Verdana. So if it were up to me, I'd actually change that (of all the things, lol). But it's just a preference and won't stop me from using the site. xD As for there not being enough people, that will solve itself in time. I'm trying to bring as many people as I can to this site so we can have more people to interact with. c:

    In any case, I sincerely hope you feel better soon. ♥

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      i have social anxiety but thankfully its not super bad. its just overall anxiety that gets the worst of me.

      and yeah i heard about the DA fiasco too
      i'm sure there might be a addon down the line that changes text style/size :D

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        Sorry to hear that. It can be a tough thing to deal with...

        Despite the craziness on DA, I'm still probably going to stay there. I just like this site and think it makes a ton more sense, so I plan to gradually move more to this one since I like their rules a lot better and they make so much more sense to me. And an add-on for that would be great! I'm sure over time, they will improve the site and fix little things like that. c;