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Let's Help Weasyl Out! by VenomousSoliloquy

Original Journal by : jotaku
Taken from: vernon-cross

Let's help Weasyl out! Tips/Suggestions to keep it active!

I think these tips and ideas from her is really really awesome, so im just gonna copy and paste this just for you guys!

-First off, please do not harass, pester, or badtalk anyone who does not wish to leave FA. I haven't seen this yet, but I also do not want to see this. I've already gotten/seen nasty comments for people willingly choosing to leave that site, so please lead by example and don't give it back.

  • Post! Obvious enough, by just BEING here to post, it's providing new content for people to work with. Interact! Try to comment/talk with people. IDK great thing about small communities is being able to connect better, right? I'm doing my best to take advantage of that, and being able to make conversation with people is really making it a pleasant experience so far. I already wanna stay!
  • Offer extra stuff. A lot of people are offering free things, trades they wouldn't normally be open/offering, etc. I think this sorta thing also helps build the sense of compassion and community necessary for a place to flourish.
  • Make certain content Weasyl exclusive.
  • Open commissions here first, before FA (or other sites?)
  • Have special, weasyl-only commission offers.
  • Try to make a habit of commissioning artists through this site. Both artists and buyers are equally important in this. Artists wanting to make this place work will do a little extra to make it worth while, and buyers who would like to see this place kick off should do the same with meeting half way!
  • Tell your friends! This is more than just a furry site (in fact, it's an everything site!) So maybe your artist friends would like to know about a new art site and nice community to build up?
  • Have a problem/suggestion? Give it on the forums! I haven't tried this, but I have heard exceptionally good things about the administration for this site so far. And hey! Beta is still in the title for a reason, right?
  • Suggested by FancyOwls: Post on weasyl a few days (or more) before you post to FA and remind people in the comment of that submission that you are doing so. Suggested by FancyOwls: Post cropped thumbnails advertising they can see the full version on weasyl.
  • Suggest stuff to add to this list??

I am hoping this helps out not only those who follow me, but those who are also new here and possibly seeing this jorunal!

Artist Recommendations

Vernon-Cross daggerleonelli claudybun drakenbyte KoriK LadyLoki LadyZolstice Meep Philo NocturnOwly Sansunari SerenityAbyss Zeke Acorn ADRhaze Anoki Booou borsmenta Cannedtalent capribebe cargorabbit chutkat cubi crwn demicoeur enjoiPANDAS Growlybeast fancyowls fine firstfruits gryphonslade kabutops Jotaku Keedot king-crowned Luciana-Lu Linkaton Lichdog mab menaceatrois mephisti porcelainPoppies Paexie phloxebutt neonraptor perikoala

And honestly my whole watchlist
and whole watcher list


Any other artists you wanna show off or recommend, come on guys, let's make this site bloom!

Let's Help Weasyl Out!


Journal Information



  • Link

    AH! A really stupid question here... but I can't figure it out. I want to copy and paste this in my own journal. But how do you get the icons to show up on the users? Like, I've tried :iconpoecat: and different variations. But yeah... having issues >_>

    • Link

      To get icons to show... you have to do some interesting coding Hahaha. basically like this !-[]-(user:username) without the dashes. Make sure everything is right next to each other, and replace username with said user's handle. C: You can find more help with markdowns over here. Hope that helps! I had a whole bunch of trial and error with it last night. lol

      • Link

        LOL, Thank you! That is some interesting coding indeed.

        • Link

          You're quite welcome, dear. And yes, yes it is. xD It's certainly UNIQUE if nothing else.

  • Link

    Same here with the Icon thing...except I am trying to push buttons that do not blow up the universe since this is a whole new vegetable for me.

    • Link

      Sorry for the delay. Could only reply to one before I left for work. 8U But basically what I told Poecat:

      To get icons to show... you have to do some interesting coding Hahaha. basically like this !-[]-(user:username) without the dashes. Make sure everything is right next to each other, and replace username with said user's handle.

      For more help with markdowns, look over here.
      I had a learning experience yesterday, with all of this.