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Female armor. The cool, and realistic, kind by LudoCrow

As retweeted by writer Arinn Dembo ( ) on her twitter (

Edit: The imgur link is now nonfunctional. Pity :(
I did fall upon this which seem to include most of the photos that were on it however! :

This has a lot of very nice armor designs for female characters done in a realistic manner avoiding the infamous "bikini mails" and safety-endangering "boob plates".

Similarly, on the same subject here's an article discussing the historical presence of armor as worn by female soldiers or warriors or other historical figures:

I hope this help other artists out there!

Female armor. The cool, and realistic, kind


Journal Information



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    If I remember correctly, most women in the armor were doing so to hide the fact that they were woman. It's kind of why during the Olympics (BCE) was made so that they would participate nude.

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      Actually, there's been many cases where a woman was known to wear armor. As a friend, SandyN was discussing with me, it wasn't just in the case of warriors but also sometimes important figures as well(as discussed in the article proper):
      "If you have a noncombat personage on the battlefield who's worth protecting. You give her armor. Just like you would give a journalist body armor if they go to a warzone in Afghanistan.". After all, unlike what some people think, there were actually many queens and other such rules back then which were involved in wars and were, at the end of the day, female nonetheless.

      And the article I've linked goes to cover a lot of cases where the women did not even really hide their gender as they actually fought.

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        I know, I did a lot of history visits while I was living in England xD

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          Oh, neat!
          That's one of the places I'd like to visit at least once in my life.
          I'm a bit(and in fact, probably much more) more travelled than the average person from Quebec(who rarely, if ever, leaves the province) but I've yet to actually ever cross the big pond.

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            If you love history, it's worth Visiting. It's so rich in it that you just can't deny it's exsistance XD

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    This is a super good reference, thank you for posting! Ladies in the bikini style armor have a place in some games and such which are meant to be more stylized and less realistic. Gotta say though, it's so damn attractive to see a warrior woman in armor that is both fitting and functional. Aside from medieval times style armors, and the Irish warrior women I don't really know much about women on the battlefield. They've always been around though and it's awesome!

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      Well, 'tis why this article is interesting.
      However, if you want some real-world, if perhaps brutal, Warrior Women of the post-armor age there are always those:

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        I love things like this, learning new things is always an adventure. Thank you for the links!

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          Always happy to help ^^
          You might also want to give a look. She's a videogame industry writer and a feminist, but she's also got a major in anthropology and her blog is full of small details from history about stuff like that.
          In fact, both of the links I've posted in my journal were stuff that she herself retweeted from various sources on her twitter account :)

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      Swiss women fought with mercenary companies of pikemen fairly regularly. The pikes would knock plate-armored knights down, then move on. The women then came along with daggers and did the knight in via the eye-slits.

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        That is gruesome and also badass.

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          Stabby stabby!

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    I've gotten into plenty of arguments with people over this topic. Many a game has been spoiled for me because designers don't recognize the line between fantastical stylization and predictable objectification.

    One of my favorite blogs is Repair-Her-Armor, which had this really cool contest to redesign armor tropes (linked in the titles below each picture). It encourages people of all skill levels to revamp stupid female armor design. Of course, some of them are just cover-up jobs, but there are some genuinely cool submissions that blend functionality with fantasy and still maintain the personality of the character. Like this one! And of course there are pleeenty of Liefeld redraws, which are always satisfying.

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      Very nice link there. I think I'll be bookmarking these, thanks!

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    i clicked on the link and all i got was a page full of animal photos staring at my cursor XD needless to say (even though i didnt see the original picture) i was thoroughly entertained XD

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      Eeep! It seems to be gone, weird. I'll try to hunt down for a more stable link to see if I can't edit the journal with it.

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    Now that is some nice armor on women. Far more appealing in my opinion. :)

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      Is it not? ^^

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    Why ANYBODY has ever tried to defend just how much of the body bikini armor exposes is completely beyond me. I would find it so much more acceptable if people would just own up to their real motivations (and even then it's still not very acceptable).

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      Amusingly, one of the person whom I found defending the bikini armor once was.... actually a feminist. But then basically did flat out explain that it had sense only in an "entertainment" value.... and would be quick to point out that maybe game artists should try to to show some gender equality there as well and "stop putting male characters in iron burka-worth of armor so -female- gamers can also enjoy some beefcake while all the male gamers are enjoying their cheesecake".

      It was kind of an amusing read, and the writer works in the game industry herself(and beyond the humorous tone of that piece, IS very direct about her stance on, and on the importance of, feminists issues. So of the game writing she's actually made for game universes have more than a little subtle refferences to her feminist views in how the background of varied races were crafted... which she also enjoys mixing with a heapful dose of her love of anthropology which she developped from majoring in that domain).

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        I'm all for equal opportunity fanservice, myself! As long as people acknowledge that's what they're doing it for. I actually have a comic in development which is kind of all about that (as well as lampshading/parodying it).