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Website Overhaul! by SinopaRapax

I wanted to let everyone know that I updated my website, - I hadn't done anything with it in three years, and I was getting sick of it... so I revamped it, updated it, and it's all good again! :D

Website Overhaul!


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  • Link

    Oh man, that's really cool! I don't know what it looked like before, but I definitely dig this. I recently did an overhaul of my website site, too. Feels great to do :D

    • Link

      Thank you so much! Before it was all black, basic html, no javascript, with an entire page dedicated to drawings I've done that scrolled down for miles... This I hope is more professional looking XD Could I have a link to your website? I'd love to see :D

      • Link

        LOL never mind I found your website XD It's really clean looking! I like how you implemented a link to your streams into it o_o

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          I was going to include a link to my rebuild in my first comment, haha, but then I worried It'd make me look full of myself. Didn't know you'd go looking yourself!

          You might have found the old one, since the overhaul wasn't completely live yet! It's been more or less done for a while, now, so went and made it proper just now. [Here's a link!] :)

          • Link

            Haha I did find the old one XD WOW the update is so nice!! I do like it a lot better :D Super professional looking!