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Just turned 30 by savageshark

So on the 14th of January, I turn 30. Though technically in New Zealand I turned 30 yesterday.

I've always heard that it snowed the day I was born, which might explain why I like snow and the chill so much? It was also the month that Lake Worth, in Texas, iced over. As I understand it was the first and only time it has ever happened. Talk about momentous, am I right? A buddy of mine made a comment that "Hell froze over when I was born."

That said a lot of other things have been going on for me, in a good way. Come next month, I'll be hosting a Warhammer 40K painting class at a nearby comic store. It's a good chance too earn some cash and teach what I've learned.

I've been looking at the fur cons going on this year, I'm already signed up for Furry Fiesta and i'm looking into FWA and AC this year. I thought about doing FC, but the timing was bad. I'm not sure about any others, but they require some research and see if it's worth the trip?
I'd like too get a table and sell some of my own work. But I need too set a date too have something before then >A<. Got this month spent to the painting class for warhammer minis atm.

On other news:
Kill la Kill had an EPIC twist to the story a@. Can't help but feel sad about what happened in the story. That and I feel a little suspicious about what may or might happen now. >:3 The plot thickens.

Got a chance too watch Space Dandy. Show is amazing in art, characters and animation. I loved how the biggest rest spot in space are a chain of space stations called "Boobies" I kid you not, they're an intergalactic version of Hooters, only with better food, drinks and multitude of alien boobs.
I loved the cat character, Meow. Though his name is "Mremewmro" A very common name.

Just turned 30


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    why am i envisioning an savage with ice phycis powers e.e